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Everything posted by VABills

  1. Actually yeah, if a mother knowingly does something to harm a baby she should be prosecuted.
  2. He's our God. Whether you like it or not. Just as the current IOTUS is both of our whether I voted for him r not. I don't have to like, or agree with him, but he's still large and in charge.
  3. Having sex should be optional. Killing babies shouldn't be. Your priorities are !@#$ed up.
  4. Powell endoresed Obama over Mccain as well. If you don't believe this is at least partially race based, you really don't have a clue. Mccain, was not a Bush Repulican and whether Romney is or not remains to be seen. My concern with Romney is the fact that he's not really surrounding himself with foreign experts.
  5. Romney is President and Biden is VP. See congress votes for President in a tie and that goes republican. Senate for VP and that is democrat. Hence, Romney/Biden.
  6. I saw Atlas Shrugged part II. They had a line about businesses can't do anything without government and that capitalism has failed. This was made before Obama famous statement, but he must have seen a preview and thought it was a great line. He probably thinks the John Galters are the problem and that the government is right in that movie.
  7. It's Jim. And this is the same congresscritter who got in trouble for taking illegal loans, beating up a kid at daycare because he though the 5 year old might steal his car. He's like the white Marrian Berry. He pretty much does stupid and corrupt stuff and he keeps getting elected. More from the liberal Washington Post. They make sure they blame a conservative group for uncovering it. But he was planning on voting 100 times for people who rarely vote. He probably had other folks doing the same. 100 votes. And we don't have voter ID as a requirement? Give me a !@#$ing break. http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/patrick-moran-son-of-va-rep-jim-moran-resigns-from-campaign-after-okeefe-video-released/2012/10/24/f5805d26-1e22-11e2-8817-41b9a7aaabc7_story.html
  8. Local Dem's congress critter son, removed from dad's campaign after he is telling people how to commit fraud and get some extra votes in election. http://www2.timesdispatch.com/news/virginia-politics/2012/oct/24/rep-morans-son-resigns-after-video-alleges-electio-ar-2309364/ Video is very scary and sounds like they have their act together on how to bilk the system and ensure their boys get elected.
  9. The Big-O's triple-B campaign.
  10. Virginia. I get 2-4 political calls daily, and that's only from the ones leaving messages. probably more. Most TV shows commercials are now 2-3 political ads with 1 product ad for every minute of commercials. It's pretty bad. Between Obama, Romney, Kaine and Allen, plus all the congress critters. We also get all the ads on TV and radio for the stuff in maryland which have several big agenda items and some contest where it's a dem-rep and ind race.
  11. http://articles.latimes.com/2003/jan/19/nation/na-bayonet19
  12. This is correct. We do but little bayonets on for close in fighting.
  13. yes close this thread
  14. Deep??? WR??? Have you seen a game in the last several years? What QB is throing deep on our team?
  15. Or Welker, or the TE's or the Oline. Obviously as you said, or the QB. But other than that we're just like the Pats.
  16. Get another 6th rounder and trade the bum
  17. The good ones do it less often however. Which is the difference between the good and bad. Well that and the ability to throw more than 20 yards downfield without needing a full body windup.
  18. We don't? I never got the memo.
  19. You know Trump says he's Kenyan, but I honestly believe Obama must be French.
  20. How many penalty yards do we have already?
  21. No it's only okay if it's Cindy Sheehan.
  22. To continue out sourceing our defense like Obama does. Like he did in Lybia, paying the local military to protect the consulate.
  23. More jobs and money being shipped over seas. Why not keep it here and let our troops do the work
  24. I've had a beer with you and you are much worse than you post.
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