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Everything posted by VABills

  1. Do the patsies have a punter? I've never seen him if they do?
  2. Don't worry, Chan will change the game plan in second half to throw more and stop running. Another fumble and a couple INT's by Fitz in second half seems about right.
  3. All this offense needs is a good QB, another WR, and better refs.
  4. Can we just get Fitz hurt on one of those sacks to see if Thigpen or Jackson actually give us any chance of winning. Or sure loses so we can get a better draft pick, getting a good QB.
  5. Stay out of their bedrooms. Just pay for their sexual needs. That's what the government should do.
  6. Why can't this President stay out of peoples bedrooms. It's none of their business unless they want the President to give them free birth control or abortions if the birth control fails. But otherwise that is none of the Presidents business.
  7. Then Bush would be no. As well as Romney. Because the kids got it from dad only.
  8. Kerry - yes Dukakis - Yes Mondale - Yes Mccain - No
  9. Ooops, my bad. Please forgive me for my obvious mistake.
  10. You believe it's 47% or more.I also said income tax not SSI, medicare, etc... But even then, unless you're working you don't pay those. Do you honestly believe with all the senior, unemployed, children that 47% of the population is employed and working?
  11. Why? because the people here want to make 30 dollars an hour because the union says so? There are laws in this contry that forces companies to actually make the most for the stock holders. if that means moving jobs over seas. So be it.
  12. 47% and actually more do not pay any federal taxes at all. What is fair? paying no taxes and getting money back or paying millions even if it is 14% of your income. Don't forget that was also another 10% given to charity which helped offset his tax burden. How's about we stop all freebies and everyone pays like 15%. That way everyone pays a fair share. if you make 0 you pay 0. If you make 100,000 you pay 15,000. You make a million, pay 150,000. that is fair. progressive taxes is not fair.
  13. Having a job and being able to support yourself and family without handouts and freebies tend to do that to people. Mitt was right about the 47% and it was shown in this election.
  14. Why don't you run for office?
  15. We should be happy for his success.
  16. Post birth abortions. Prople who are parasite and wouldn't survice without the goverment tit being available.
  17. Tim Kaine during his acceptance speech last night revealed that the plan is to raise taxes. Not just on the rich however, but on middle class as well. I am looking for a transcript but he said something to the effect that the burden of tax increases will be shared not only by the middle class but rich as well. Already figured the rich would get hit, but his statement seems to reveal that middle class as well are in the crosshairs. That didn't take long.
  18. Actually if you know anything about Allen in his first term he did nothing. he was told by the old Warner that Warner was the senior senator and told to not doing anything unless Old Warner approved and was at least a co-author on all bills even if his office had nothing to do with it. Allen was very much a second fiddle and was a do nothing in office. Kaine on the other hand did more to cripple the economy of VA when he was governer and on top of it, even by his own adminition detroyed education in Virginia especially Northern VA, where local governments had to take on more funding themselves. Even Kaine admitted he !@#$ed that up, trying to appease to many with his entitlement programs that left education in a lurch. Basically, neither was a great choice. but, doing nothing is sometimes better than too much. Please the whole macaca (sp???) thing is still held against Allen.
  19. They don't have signatures on file that they are looking at.
  20. Where do you live. they re-districted around me. the pollsters were sending people to other districts because folks didn't realize they had to go elsehwhere. They literrally chopped my sub-division in half. My neighbor two doors down is in a different district.
  21. No he had it right. Dems don't work so thay can vote all day. repubs work so they vote before or after work.
  22. Saying you're catholic and being catholic are not the same. Just so you know.
  23. It's not. Only the tax since the SC said it's a tax. But as a religious orgnaization they are tax exept, hence they shouldn't have to based on. In addition, the government cannot force a religious organization into something just as an religion cannot be set by the government. You know that whole seperation thing.
  24. You do know the new Covenent lessened some of the Old Rigid Covenent.
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