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Everything posted by VABills

  1. Are we looking at a possible wikileaks II ?
  2. Wrong. http://www.ppinys.org/reports/jtf/welfarespending.htm You posted a link to all federal spending. Not taker spending. Only Alaska is in top 10 of red states.
  3. Grocery store. Used to be one outside the gate of MCRD Parris Island in Beaufort, SC. Not sure where the rest are.
  4. Who's going to provide the money they ned to take if they do?
  5. How are you any different than Mitt and Bain sending jobs to another state. I hope the great communist state write a law that says you may not transact business in California if you are one of those moving jobs and taking away job opportunities from the takers. Not that they want to actually work, but the lost revenue from taxes should prevent you from doing business there in the future.
  6. If Edison, Ford, Vanderbilt lived today, they would not have been nearly as successful. The government would have sucked them dry with taxes and regulations. The unions would have demanded more and less for them to invest.
  7. Probably since it's the hallmark of our liberalism. Greece, only larger.
  8. The problem with that will be nothing can be done at that point. We maybe completely screwed if the pot ever comees to a boil,
  9. It's Canada. Does it really count?
  10. So tgreg was wrong about which states were the biggest takers and westie was wrong about what the Bible says. Next.
  11. No he never said that. He said the problem with the wealthy is that they look to their wealth first. Second yes God gifted us each with talents, which is why he actually looks on the poor of society as being the ones who are not using the talents God gave them to succeed. They are so enamoured with everyoneelses wealth they can't get off their fat ass to actually toil. As the Bible said, he who doesn't work, doesn't eat. Actually the GOP would rather have more people like me, but I have issues with some of their policies as well which is why I don't belong to any party, but my own.
  12. Mot my party. But I know he wouldn't approve of the muslim in the whitehouse.
  13. Really so tithing 10% is bad, but giving 10% more to the government to take 50% in management fees and giving the rest to their poor electorate is being a better Christian? So having thugs at the election booth breaking your arm to vote for the right person is good, but having a free will is bad. You really don't understand the Bible if you really believe that a rich person must give everything away. What it is saying that work hard and you'll be rewarded. But you have to understand everything you have God gave you and be more grateful to God than the money itself. Jesus
  14. I missed the quote where it said give all my money to the government so they can dole it out to people to vote for them. It urges me to give to the poor, not give it to the pharasies who are wicked and evil.
  15. You quoting the Bible: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat." 2 Thessalonians 3:10 11 He who tills his land will be satisfied with bread, But he who follows frivolity is devoid of understanding. Proverbs 12:11 When did it become 2%. I thought it was one. See now Barry is changing it already.
  16. GOP needs to find it's 47%
  17. How about a different way of looking at it. By racial group: Adult males - 8.9 per cent Adult females - 8.0 per cent Teenagers - 24.2 per cent White population - 8.0 per cent Black population - 16.2 per cent Hispanic population - 11.9 per cent Asian population - 7.0 per cent In that group young teenagers, Blacks and Hispanic voted overwhelming for Obama are the ones getting crushed by unemployment and are takers. Again, the 47% know who they are and are happy being takers.
  18. Really Top 10 unemployment states in the nation (meaning those collecting free money from the government). Only 4 voted for Romney. The other 6 voted for Obama. Also, 2 of them are the largest 2 states in nation and each by themselves alone comprise more people than those in the 4 southern states. 41 CONNECTICUT 8.9 41 NEW YORK 8.9 43 GEORGIA 9.0 44 SOUTH CAROLINA 9.1 45 MISSISSIPPI 9.2 46 MICHIGAN 9.3 47 NORTH CAROLINA 9.6 48 NEW JERSEY 9.8 49 CALIFORNIA 10.2 50 RHODE ISLAND 10.5 51 NEVADA 11.8
  19. Never read Atlas Shrugged did you? The takers and government has a lot more that they can take. When you start getting into the mindset that everyone has the same things regardless of how much they contribute to society then we're !@#$ed. You have 5 kids and you sweep floor, well that 100K for you. You have no kids, but just invented a 100 MPG fullsize SUV with ll the safety features, well thats 20K for you. You want to donate to your church, charity, etc.... Tough ****, do without a meal or two because you cannot give government money to religious organizations. And since everyone is paid by the government, it's all government money.
  20. How many games has Fitz fumbled or thrown an INT in the final minutes in games we could/should have won this season? More than 4? Time for a new QB.
  21. There are no 25 yard timing plays in the NFL. There are no 25 yard timing plays at any level of football. Where do you folks come up with this crap?
  22. That was 10 yards behind the receiver regardless. NE player was out of position.
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