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Everything posted by VABills

  1. That story was weak on facts. They talk about the lost revenue due to the recession, but a large chuck is due to the disapproval of federal travel and conferences in Vegas after the bad things done by by a few folks. But the stadium is being paid for by a relatively small tax on hotel rooms. In Buffalo your not going to get the same capability, but I am sure if they can get the region involved and maybe even Canada/Ontario to chip in?
  2. Yeah, now you're going to get some of the folks here believing that. If it was said on the internet it must be true.
  3. I know a few GM's, coaches and scouts who likely need to be questioned. All these firings and the does goes missing, I don't think it's a coincidence
  4. That's just base salary. You also have about $5 million in signing bonus for each year
  5. Why not? We already have 20 million with Dareus, who barely plays.
  6. Why aren't you predicting playoffs? Figure one more win at end of season if Whaley hadn't forced EJ into the starting lineup. Then the Miami game when we couldn't stop them after we went ahead. Steelers or Raiders should not have been losses. Heck Seattle we should have won, if it wasn't for the defense. We should be a 10-11 win team this year.
  7. Hiring him as the Asst GM was a good move. Promoting him to GM was not. Did you actually read that?
  8. And yet a lot of the folks here were happy that we had hired a black GM. Also many of the folks are long term posters on this board also questioned the hiring of Whaley at that time. Facts is facts. Get over yourself.
  9. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/156675-can-someone-explain-the-whaley-faith-to-me/?hl=whaley
  10. I hope it isn't him. It will be like a comedy. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.gstatic.com/tv/thumb/tvbanners/446158/p446158_b_v8_ae.jpg&imgrefurl=http://google.com/search%3Ftbm%3Disch%26q%3DMr.%2520Bean&h=1440&w=960&tbnid=IAR5oeBGI12bvM:&tbnh=186&tbnw=124&usg=__vhqm6XpLqEVzy4H2aHA-gGCGLzE=&vet=10ahUKEwjtg5b9-eDTAhXCRSYKHTdXD4wQ_B0IjAEwDw..i&docid=cs5LxAW2tniLxM&itg=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjtg5b9-eDTAhXCRSYKHTdXD4wQ_B0IjAEwDw&ei=dbwQWa31FMKLmQG3rr3gCA
  11. We won't get insight until tomorrow when JW wakes up from his birthday.
  12. I am sure JW will as well.
  13. Wrong. Sometimes not taking the shot is the right choice or you might hit a friendly. In this case you might select someone, get rid of someone else and it gets worse. Just look at EJ.
  14. We could always throw in the 2019 first rounder. A team would be crazy to turn down 3 number 1 picks for a trade up to the number 1 spot.
  15. Worst GM in league, so it's not going to be hard to find a better one.
  16. Really? Overpaid Mccoy after the trade. Overpaid Dareus. Wasted draft picks to get EJ wasted draft picks to get an oft injured WR No leadership ever drafted on the team These two alone have put us in cap hell. Then Kujo, our entire draft class last year was on IR pretty much to start the season. Pissing in Rex's cheerios every morning to where Rex said hell with this, let me out of here. LB's are a disaster DB's are a disaster No WR's QB beyond TT who is only average is nonexistant. Whaley should have been fired last season.
  17. Yup. Any chance of implementing a minimum number of posts which are replies before folks can start a new thread?
  18. No. And in NYC you can't even walk in and get a sugar cookie or gatorade, as those are restricted.
  19. If you want to find cap space, restructure Hughes, Glenn, Clay and Mccoy. That would save upwards of 15 million on cap. Also, I believe even with rookie salaries considered we have over $20 million available to sign FA's.
  20. Because closing those holes and not having a starting quality QB won't matter. You'll finish 6-10 with a QB who costs $1/m year but be at cap limit because you spent it elsewhere but no way to get them the ball, or have a turn over machine like EJ at QB.
  21. Now we know why they shut down the wall. No intelligent life there.
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