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Everything posted by VABills

  1. The Bills are going to extend the Toronto series for the entire 10 year lease period.
  2. What about the 19 children killed in Oklahoma City. http://oklahomacitybombing.com/oklahoma-city-bombing-children.html That wasn't a gun. In fact that was just some garden variety fertlizer. Let's ban that too. Farmer don't need fertalizer because it can be used for bad. And the homeowner with their gardens don't need it. I don't understand with all the violence perpetuated by fertalizer does it need to exist.
  3. Like I said you're an idiot.
  4. Actually it's because of a stupid federal law that no one is allowed to carry a weapon on a Federal Installation without official reason. Since your average grunt doesn't understand laws, and aren't trained to, and this little thing called posse comitatus, you can't have them. http://usatoday30.us...06-07-japan.htm http://www.msnbc.msn...ls-philippines/ http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2012/12/14/china-school-stabbings/1770395/
  5. Let me ask, a guy walks into a kindergarten class with a couple of knives. Locks the door and kills the teacher first. Which 5 year old is going to stop him from stabbing all of them? You're an idiot.
  6. No, what I am comparing is the media coverage and general outrage from the people here is the US pales in comparison to the 26 people killed in Newtown. Tragedy yes, but we are just a small part of this world. Here is one news story with 92 people killed, 32 children from this year and this never made the headline not the front page news. Guns are not the issue and never will be. People are the issue. Those that want to kill will kill regardless of the mechanism to do so. And just as guilty are people like you who think it's any more or less tragc to have something like this happen in your backyard but could give a **** about the people in Syria. Let me ask, did you hear about the person who died the other day in that huge collision in Iowa (I believe) when about 30 cars crashed into each other? Bet you did. Did you know 14 people were killed yesterday in Mozambique in a bus accident? Probably not. You so want to blame the republicans and the NRA for everything. DId you know that Roosevelt wouldn't allow numerous Jewish people into this country prior to WWII and had the ships they were on escorted back to Germany, where most were then imprisoned and killed during the holocaust? Everyone has blood on their hands. My point is, people die. People want to kill other people. You do what you can. But when people want to kill people, they will find a way. Whether it be guns, bombs, knives, Jimmy Jones Juice, bats. My other point is why not do something about it. Protect the children here and there by putting armed guards in the school. Police officers make half of what teachers do. Get rid of one home econ class or one shop class. Hire a couple of county police officers to be resource officers in the schools. Let people buy weapons to protect themselves. Instead the talk is to disarm everyone. All that does it make us easy prey.
  7. No the point is, if bad people want to kill people, then only they will have weapons. If it was legal to carry in schools or this school had an armed officer, this event likely doesn't happen.
  8. No you don't. Unless you're undergoing some kind of actual live ammo training most of the time your weapon is secured in the armory. It's actually illegal to carry personal weapons on a military base. Only MP's carry fulltime.
  9. So just curious with all of these "murders" in the US, a country with so many guns and over 300,000,000 we sure have plenty of murders daily. But Syria with all of maybe 5,000,000 people have had something like 60,000 people killed this year. Plenty of children were in that group. Where is the outrage? Maybe I am missing something the order of magnitude just seems so much worse there, contrary to what the idiot media says here.
  10. Hank Bullough is the new head coach. He has Michigan connections to Ralph. Old Hank decided to come out of retirement.
  11. http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/23/world/meast/syria-civil-war/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 Oh wait it was a bomb. I guess if people don't have guns they'll find another way to kill people.
  12. Pat Williams has been getting time in goalline situations. Let him be the new iron man. Pro Bowler at two spots.
  13. You still around? Bring on the guilt.
  14. Didn't know FTC was involved. I was aware of USPS rules.
  15. You don't know me very well then.
  16. If it was shipped via USPS you can keep it by law. UPS or FEDEX not the same.
  17. Maybe we get rid of Jay and keep Ralph. Die Jay Die.
  18. I've heard of that trash can, get'er done Buddy.
  19. Why do you want to interfere with people taking drugs from tainted needles, or sucking some guys dick. Stay out of their bedroom. Your only job is to pay for their treatment (or abortion if a women) when they have bad results. Otherwise it's none of your business.
  20. Sort of like religion.
  21. Yes she should be fired. What one does in personal life does reflect in professional life. If she doesn't have the values of her employers then her employers should have the right to fire her. If I got a DUI, did like this person did, or many other offenses I would be fired from my job, even if it is not job related.
  22. Driving a truck, pouring flour, following a 100 year old recipe? Maybe some of the operations engineers, but most of these folks were line workers with no skills, much like a toll booth collector. Doesn't take a whole lot of training. Most don't have a trade and likely will find something just over minimum wage if they are lucky. Many also will not collect unemployment as they were on strike and many states will not pay benefits as a result of labor disputes. Good luck to them and their family during the holidays but it looks pretty grime for the vast majority of those 18,000 workers, especially in todays economy and the fight against junk food.
  23. No they need a bakery and buy the recipe for Twinkies. Then the government can hire a bunch fo people, losing money on every too big to fail product that the mouth breathers want.
  24. Labor was going to get a paycut but long term benefits by receiving 25% of the company in stock. Part of the problem you have is worrying so much about today, that you and a lot of lefties have no vision for the future.
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