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Everything posted by VABills

  1. And EJ is not going to play clipboard holder as the third stringer graciously. If he isn't starting he's gone. Cassel will be a the backup or starting. If he shows anything they will highlight it, let EJ know during first preseason game and then he'll be traded. And no we are not deep at LB, we need one more. QB, they all suck, so we have no depth at QB at all.
  2. Except at a relatively cheap salary with an option year exercisable by whatever team would trade for him, would make him tradeable for a draft pick or other depth person (LB) if he shows something in camp but doesn't win starting job.
  3. And yet with a poor oline, no real RB, poor TE play and a QB who played in a bad offense, they still won. Defenses cannot and never will win by themselves. Even as great as the 85 bears or Ravens D's were the offense still had to at least be average. Guess what that's the best this team has been in 15 years. Hate or like Marrone, me I think he's psycho, but he got a lot out of a bad team.
  4. You still have to score some. The defense was great, but Marrone was the head coach, made game day decisions and signed off on game planning including defense and special teams. Egomaniac and not-likeable, ok. Bad head coach - probably not. Defense is only one third of the game. We won in spite of having our first round RB on IR most of season, a 13 year retired QB beating out a one read non-running QB who has slow release and is inaccurate, an Oline with rookies and second rate and injured players. No real TE's.
  5. And yet if Marrone was such a bumbling idiot why did we win the most games in a season it what seems like forever. Marrone may have been an egomaniac, but he took a group of underachievers and almost made the playoffs. Just maybe he had a plain vanilla offense because the leaders on the team (EJ, Fred, etc...) couldn't handle a more involved offense. Just Marrone seemed to have done more with basically the same group of underachievers that previous coaches had to deal with. When EJ learns to throw more accurately, actually win the starting job instead of having it handed to him, can stay healthy for more than 5 games at a time, and actually learn to lead and STFU off the field, maybe we can do something. Of course, I have my doubts with EJ, and suspect when push comes to shove one of the other guys on the roster will be our starting QB by week 4, even if Whaley forces EJ into starting role.
  6. Is that anything like cross dressing? Not sure how that will fly in WNY.
  7. It's Buffalo. It won't last. Haven't you seen that ESPN commercial? https://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=A0LEVi.G_UhVojkAxuknnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTE0aGw5OWR2BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDRkZYVUkyNV8xBHNlYwNzYw--?p=espn+commercial+buffalo+bills+blue&back=https%3A%2F%2Fsearch.yahoo.com%2Fyhs%2Fsearch%3Fp%3Despn%2Bcommercial%2Bbuffalo%2Bbills%2Bblue%26ei%3DUTF-8%26hsimp%3Dyhs-002%26hspart%3Dmozilla&fr=%26fr%3Dyhs-mozilla-002&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DWN.3emSrKWThHzeHfP5XUcfLw%26pid%3D15.1&rurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D2Pv7sgU-OBg&tit=Bills+ESPN+Commercial&l=0%3A29&vid=f859a345ad7aafdc792f135ff9d0864b&sigr=11br5e95h&sigb=13e53j90l&sigt=10ltb0oji&sigi=11v0hureh&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-002
  8. Why so he can steal a bunch of crab legs? Oh wait wrong person.
  9. No at the dollar amount these guys make and with NYS taxes so high, this is 10's of thousands of dollars. May not seem like a lot but basically giving away a Mercedes every year and play in cold weather if I get two equal offerings is a big deal. Now if I have a chance to start at a position I want to start at, and a chance to make bigger money later, then we're talking.
  10. Ummmm.... I hope you pay someone to do your taxes. No it doesn't net to zero. It is a deduction not a credit. You will get the state tax as a deduction from your income but still pay taxes on your income minus that deduction. So, if you make 100k, pay 5% state tax, your taxable basis will 95k at federal level. If let's say for tax purposes you have a flat tax of 20% on the whole amount then instead of paying 20k in fed taxes you would only pay 19k. So for that 5k in state taxes you would in effect only pay 4k. Does that make sense or do I need DC Tom you explain every nuance and make you feel bad?
  11. And his dead baby, that he refused to acknowledge is his.
  12. Actually without Watkins we would have been picking in the top 18 and likely top 10. So we would have gotten a true first rounder and maybe even a better trade up from another team this year. So Watkins actually hurt us because now we don't have a #1 and we are likely drafting a third rounder with our second round this year. Damn that Watkins guy.
  13. But they could have had the next Manning in EJ? What does he mean we didn't have a QB to send in return? St Louis wanted Foles more than EJ or Tuel? Are they crazy?
  14. McCoy is only 5 million against the cap this year, with the re-signing/restructure. Just like Murray is with Dallas. Again, Murray wasn't coming here just for the money. He also, went someplace with a better QB, better Oline.
  15. That only works if you think we stood a chance of signing Murray. Otherwise, it's apples and oranges. Murray likely only went to the Beagles because well they're the beagles and they have Chip Kelly. Without that trade we have Freddy as our best RB, and likely Kiko as a 1 or 2 down LB at best. Overall, great trade for both teams.
  16. Boiler Plate Agreement? Which college? Which position?
  17. By your round drafted logic, then Bledsoe should still be starting and Brady on bench
  18. At the 2:45 and 3:00 mark are two plays which show an ability to set and make throws. The nice thing the video shows is he has the ability to see the field and run the offense both in the shotgun but also from under center.
  19. Round up his senior year. 59.7 is pretty darn close.
  20. 18 mill per year. The bonuses are on NO.
  21. So about 6 million in cap this year.
  22. No his cap hit will be 9.75. We are not responsible for bonus money that get lumped against philly right away.
  23. Somehow I doubt GB would throw in a 1st. But weirder things have happened like us drafting EJ in 1st and give away 2 drafts to get a WR in a WR rich draft.
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