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Everything posted by Mac14

  1. F YOU TERRY,KIM ,MCDERMOTT ,and especially F YOU MCBEAN for turning my buffalo bills into a laughingstock!!!
  2. What’s the Pegulas email address??? I’d like to have a little chat with those pricks!!!!
  3. I’d be f’en embarrassed if I were the Pegulas!!!
  4. He isn’t doing to shabby in kc! He’s better than what we got!!!
  5. I don’t think we should fire the whole front office, just Mcbean should be shown the door! He got this mess rolling by getting rid of Watkins, gutting this offense and not replacing them with quality players
  6. Can’t believe I get excited for these games every week only to be let down
  7. This is the worst bills football I’ve watched in 35 years
  8. How can the owners sit back and watch this $hit show without holding anybody accountable for this mess!!!
  9. No one will be fired it’s all part of the process
  10. Clean house how much worse could it be
  11. Mc Dermitt you hermit you suck
  12. I no longer can stand the sight of McDermott anymoreI no longer can stand the sight of McDermott anymore
  13. This team should be showing some progress in year two! Not going backwards
  14. I would have no problem seeing this front office and coach being fired after this season
  15. Our season is over before Halloween
  16. Another waste of defensive efforts
  17. Mcbean isn’t capable of running an nfl team
  18. F you bean f you Mcdermott f you to the whole ball of wax! Hope you all are shown the door
  19. I’m f’en done with this ***** show
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