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Everything posted by RobbRiddick

  1. This season has been such a downer with the injuries. We get White back finally and then Miller injures his knee.
  2. Well shhhhhheeeeeeeeeeetttttttttttttt
  3. Did Romo say Jackson was a budding superstar?
  4. Yeah, that's a classic case of someone covering his a*s. So if White and/or Flacco play like crap he can throw Wilson back in and then say it was the plan all along
  5. I think White is probably more liked by the offensive players. I remember seeing him against Cincy last season and you can tell he's one of the guys, a baller who will get his teammates fired up. Zach Wilson looks so passive when he's in there it's like he's so busy going over all the steps he has to take in his own head so as to not completely ***** up the next play that he's not able to actually communicate with his guys. And he never seems to get fired up. From the Jets games I saw it was almost like he was putting his own offense to sleep
  6. People made a big deal of him answering no when asked about letting the D down in the press conference but I saw his whole presser and the thing that struck me more was how business like he was about the whole thing. The guy had just helped generate something like 2 yards of offense in a whole half and he didn't seem embarrassed or even slightly disgusted. When you see how Josh looks after a loss and how he takes 99% of the blame and puts it on his own shoulders, sure he's making sure to be the leader but he genuinely looks like he wants to puke. Wilson to me just looked a bit nonchalant. Maybe that's just the way he deals with it but you can see why fans and even his own team mates would be pissed
  7. White was terrible against us last season but I guess he had that great game vs Cincy and then the good half when they were getting beaten up by (the colts?) and he was at least getting the ball out quickly and being decisive. They probably figure with that defense all they need is a guy who can lead them to 17 points and they can win. They just need hi to do the short passes and protect the ball. Wilson couldn't even do that. there was a play vs NE when he was just throwing it to a RB on the sideline and he tossed it 10 yards over his head
  8. It's funny, for a guy who's known to like sex as much as this guy he has the look of someone with no workable 'parts'
  9. I saw something in Vegas where a woman shot a ping pong ball out of her butt, let's see if I can do it with a football
  10. That's great. I actually did a search today to see if there was any news on him but couldn't find anything. We don't know if more injuries are to come but fingers crossed we don't get any more big ones and the guys who are hurt can all get healthy for the playoff push. Plus with Cook coming along and hopefully Hines getting more involved, we could possibly be at our strongest to end the season. And of course if Josh is over the elbow injury and can get his confidence fully back
  11. They need to stop with the lil dirty stuff. It's demeaning and encourages mockery of the height challenged variety. You know, like dwarfs and Kylers
  12. I was feeling pretty good about life today and now I'm ready to live under the bed again
  13. That's exactly it. And not just his career in terms of being worried about re-injuring it but also he doesn't want to go out and get burned by some second rate receiver he'd usually dominate. That's when the stuff starts being said about him being past his best etc. He's an all pro and wants to maintain his rep. So long as we make the playoffs and he's back for them at full strength, that's the main thing for me even though I'd love to have him out there now
  14. Good, kid looked a little c*cky after their win the other week
  15. I feel like this season will either end with everyone (EVEN TRE!) finally being healthy for a successful playoff push or they'll continue to mount, the team will continue to struggle and we'll be left feeling this has been one of those most disappointing season's we've ever had
  16. Can't the Browns just flush away now instead of creeping back up the pipe
  17. good guy Diggs checking the guy is okay. So often the plays just run back to the huddle
  18. Watching Cook do that makes me want to kiss my wife
  19. FINALLY. I feel like I've just taken a huge dump after being constipated for 3 days
  20. Right, 2 minutes. Hurry up offense. Can this shake Josh out of his funk? Or will he throw an int? Soi depressing to see how much offense Miami had against this team last week
  21. We somehow need to engineer this
  22. This is so bizarre and frustrating. Everything looks so difficult at the moment, and it's difficult to watch as well
  23. Are there any Bills fans with snow shovels available to dig this team out of the s**t?
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