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Everything posted by RobbRiddick

  1. I think I've found the problem. Remember when he was drafted and he kept talking about the notebook he kept? This is it
  2. Behind on this and only just watched the opening drive. Great to see the TD even though on the surface it's nothing special. The offense has struggled in short yardage situations so much the last few years, to see them actually power it in like that on 1st and goal was a refreshing change. Hope that continues into the regular season
  3. Ah yeah, I do watch those guys as well. I usual watch on YouTube rather than in podcast form. And yes, Jenna is great, very attractive and also very knowledgable and a great presenter too
  4. I don't even know who she is but she sounds like a very strong, independent person of whichever gender she chooses to identify as
  5. Never listen to One Bills Live. I know I'll be in the minority here but I enjoy the WGR stuff in podcast form. Can't listen live as the ads annoy me and they do talk about a lot of crap but I enjoy just picking from the topics. Ross Tucker is okay, and Chris Simms now and then. Also I think Rich Eisen is okay
  6. I can't stand Vick, but didn't God create a flood to kill almost all the animals on the planet?
  7. Garret looks very imposing on that image, I now feel confident he can start on any position along the line
  8. If I were that good I would play badly and try to get drafted as mr irrelevant and then become a legend so my future 30 for 30 episode is more interesting
  9. Josh Allen is the only thing that's kept my interest since he was drafted
  10. One more bad game and I'm joining you on the chiefs bandwagon
  11. Well all I know is Stevw Spurriers Redskins teams were an unstoppable machine in the preseason and they always ended up carrying over their form into the regular season
  12. This negativity is too much. I'm going to forget the season and rewatch the first 59:47 of the 13 seconds game 17 times instead
  13. Hey Joy, let me drive for a while
  14. Don't say it Colin. Don't say it...
  15. I think it would be hilarious if they finished last but I don't see it happening. Last season their defense was incredible. If it's close to what it was last season all they need is a very good offense and they'll win a lot of games. It doesn't have to be an amazing offense. The only way I can see them being that bad is if the pressure of the hype gets to them, they lose a few early on and the whole thing implodes to the point where Saleh loses the locker room
  16. Sometimes there is. Mine showed up in Die Hard when it doubled as a fire hose
  17. Not many people know this but OJ Simpson and his family adopted me back in the late 80s. OJ was like a dad to me. One night it was really cold and he gave me his favorite pair of leather gloves. great guy. Not seen him for a while
  18. Yeah, I respect Ryan Leaf for the way he's built a new career somewhat and actually seems to have learnt something about the way he was. You feel like he could give a kid in a similar situation a lot of good advice. Manziel on the other hand just seems content to carry on the Johnny Football mystique because maybe that's all he has or knows how to be. Like that friend everyone has who continues playing the same character they played all through their teenage years and 20s, even when they're in their 40s. Those guys always seem like they can't evolve because they won't even exist anymore if they change
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