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Everything posted by RobbRiddick

  1. This is the problem with so many of these shows now. The hosts keep jabbering on about the team they support. I saw a clip of some show yesterday (Carton I think). Jesus, what a tool he is. He was sitting there with a giant Jets hat on, talking about how the Bills basically had no chance. Then you have Mike Greenberg wearing his Jets jersey on air. There's a clip from a few years ago where he asks his guests to rank the best QBs in the AFC East going into the 2020 season. When one of the guests chooses Allen instead of Darnold he walks off camera in mock disgust. I know this is all meant to be good fun and I don't want to sound like some grumpy old man but it just stops me wanting to see any of these shows because there's no objectivity there. Even Brandt screaming and shouting about the Bills is annoying. But as people have said, that's the way to get ratings so you can't blame them I guess
  2. I don';t watch this guy but seems like so many of the idiots on TV. They can't see the wood for the trees and always make the obvious, easy pick. There's also so many ultra cocky KC fans who are actually more Mahomes fans. They're the ones who hang around on YouTube and post "Mahomes is the best" under every video talking about Hurts or Allen or Burrow. They take it as a sign of blasphemy against their gravel voiced God whenever another QB is being talked about as anything other than mediocre. It's a shame because Mahomes actually seems like a decent guy, but it is fun to think of his disciples curled up on their beds, staring up at their Mahomes posters on the wall through salty tears as they realize their dreams of a perfect season evaporated faster than a spit in the Sahara
  3. They're an entertaining team with an explosive offense, an exciting rookie RB, a funny HC who likes eating kneecaps and they're a feel good story where lots of neutral fans (me included) want to see them do well
  4. The beautiful woman runs toward Coach. She wants him. Now. But Coach's attention has been snagged by another, far more beautiful beach babe
  5. I marked this down as a win for Detroit last week and I'm going for that now. Come on LIONS!
  6. Apparently at halftime Mahomes is going to walk on Gatorade and cure a blind Detroit fan who stabbed himself in the eyes years ago so he wouldn't have to watch the Lions go 0-16
  7. I thought this was announcing he was dead. Glad to see it isn't. Always liked Mort during the draft season and was shocked to see him looking so ill a few years ago. Glad he's still going strong, and good for him for quitting ESPN
  8. The podcast format is better. They have the full hours but also split up into topics, or the segments where sal talks to them. This means you can pick and choose what to listen to rather than all of it which can be a bit much. I do enjoy the podcasts during the season
  9. I read that the rams have a huge number of rookies on the team, that's what seems to have started the tanking talk with them.
  10. Is he a Phins fan? I assumed KC, he seems to drool over them every chance he gets
  11. You're very lucky to have such a phenomenal QB
  12. That's good. 357 times a day isn't enough
  13. It's okay, Patrick (The Greatest Sports Person in the History of Mankind) can throw the ball to himself and still move up and down the field
  14. They can absolutely be run on. Their run D ranked in the middle of the league last season. The Bills have never been able to effectively run it during Allen's time with the team, something a lot of his critics forget, so it'll be interesting to see if they can genuinely improve with the new guards and Cook being the lead back. It doesn't need to be dominant, just something teams take seriously. Also want to see some quick short passes to take advantage of the middle of their defense, which is the weakest part. It's probably asking too much for Kincaid to have a great day in his first ever regular season game but hopefully he and Knox can cause those LBs problems. Would also be good to see Cook get involved with the passing game.
  15. Yes you're right, thank God the phenomenon of hot takes within the media hasn't yet reached the NFL
  16. The point is, a loss doesn't mean they're destined to miss the playoffs. Even though that will become the narrative by tuesday morning
  17. Erm no, I'm saying teams often start badly but ultimately it has no bearing on their overall season. Instead of your Pats I'll use the bengals and burrow's 4 interceptions last season instead
  18. I don't think this will happen but imagine if the Bills blew them out? The NY media would just crucify the Jets and Rodgers (well, Saleh more than anyone). The truth is, even if we lose this game it's not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things. We destroyed NE on opening day 31-0. The team's seasons ended a little differently as I recall. In fact those great Pats teams often started slowly.
  19. Well the ideal for us is the offense starts well and builds a good lead to they have to lean on Rodgers in the second half
  20. It'll be interesting to see what Arizona does with Kyler this season and, if they do finish with pick 1, what they're able to get for Kyler (and how that insane contract they gave him plays into things). I'd imagine the drama queens at ESPN are praying for this to happen as it'll make a very interesting offseason for them.
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