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Everything posted by RobbRiddick

  1. I feel sorry for Pats fans if this score holds up. That's a third team they'll have to start following. Must be costing them a fortune in jerseys
  2. I swear I had the exact same quote pop into my head when they showed his bloodied lip
  3. Brady bleeding, his kicker missing FGs. If the Bills win later I think I might start going to church again
  4. hahaha Brady having a hissy fit
  5. Collinsworth whenever Brady completes a pass
  6. Brady needs extra power to get back into this. He'll be drinking a few of these on the sideline
  7. Rams getting a lot of calls. Brady going to have to ***** the ref at halftime
  8. Great start Rams, keep it up
  9. Come on refs, throw a flag, Brady had an incompletion!
  10. Oh man, Collinsworth's mouth is going to be bone dry by the end of this game with all his slobbering over Brady
  11. If my hate for Brady was people I'd be China
  12. Lot of confidence here. I'm surprised. I'm being as cynical as ever, waiting for everything and anything to go wrong. Although I'm not as nervous as I was against the Pats
  13. My wife has refused to do them for years
  14. I..I...I...I...I...I...I cannot compute this. How in the name of Satan's butthole did the 9ers win that?
  15. Jimmy's bookie must be pissed. Every time he tries to throw the game his team bails him out
  16. Un-f***ing-believable. Can't believe this.
  17. So glad we got Haack, he'd never do something like... oh never mind
  18. I don't want to watch the game tomorrow but I feel I have to just in case the Bills blow out KC
  19. And that's why I didn't turn it off
  20. This is one of those terrible games where it only looks like one team is winning but because the score is so close you feel like you have to keep watching just in case something crazy happens
  21. Live from the 49ers forum: "There is the Jimmy we all know and love." "Just knew the bs pick was coming" "f**k me"
  22. 9er fans must be giving Jimmy the same treatment Titans fans are giving Tannehill right now. I'll go check...
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