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Everything posted by RobbRiddick

  1. Wow, he's like the total opposite of Zach Wilson. He's more popular with the over 70s
  2. I got momentarily confused then. I thought maybe Josh had got into a fight with Losman. That would be surreal
  3. Love reading these camp updates. Feel like I'm there in the sun instead of sitting here on the toilet
  4. Especially when this guy walks through the door
  5. It all depends on who is holding the camera
  6. I don't want that diva on my team. Unless he signs here of course, in which case I'll be all for it
  7. Ah yeah, played at Washington, had I think 6 ints and around 18 pass breakups if I remember correctly. Drafted by Falcons in the fifth round. Suspended for violating substance abuse rules. Waived and went to Seahawks. Waived again and went to the Saints. I didn't get that from Wiki, I swear
  8. I fully expect other teams to snaffle up any of the guys who don't make it. One of the downsides of being a great team is it's harder to hide players away on the PS. Makes a nice change from a few years ago when we had PS squad guys as the starters
  9. Ah, so it was Philips. Makes sense
  10. I just googled "number 97 bills" and it helpfully tells me it's Cornelius Bennett...
  11. Who was that Josh was getting into it with?
  12. Love it! It's great the way this stuff gradually ramps up toward the season. Mini camps, training camp, pads on, preseason games. Each stage gets me a little more excited. And to all the people posting the updates from twitter etc. so dinosaurs like me don't have to learn how to use those platforms, thanks, you do a great job
  13. As a loyal Bills fan I'll be sure to let Mr Pegula look after my $1237 life savings
  14. I once scored four touchdowns in a single game
  15. Murray's press conference was comic genius. From the "everything I've accomplished" start right down to the 'Easy' slogan on the tee. He really is a tiny turd of a man. There are few guys in the NFL I actively root to fail but this pouting Oompa Loompa has waddled up a high step ladder right to the top of my list
  16. Not a good idea. He'll end up being as wide as he is tall, which I think would turn him into a cube
  17. Ah, so this is why Jimmy Shamer is so pissed
  18. Forget getting in shape. Just pop one of these down the front of your Speedos
  19. THIS is the only Josh run that needs to go away. He looks like Mr Bean on Redbull
  20. That's from my own stash. I have the largest collection of Ken dolls in the world. They're all slightly different and the only thing they have in common is that they're all naked
  21. I admit I sometimes feel the same way. Then I look at the following picture and all feels right with the world again:
  22. My apologies for recent access issues If I had a dollar every time my wife said this exact thing to me
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