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Everything posted by RobbRiddick

  1. I always admire the way Chiefs fans can take literally any subject and bring it back to Mahomes. "Hey Jerry, this conflict between Russia and Ukraine is terrible, huh?" "Yeah, seen those Russian missiles? Almost as deadly as a Mahomes pass"
  2. I was really hoping he'd be holding a glass of whiskey like the Christmas video
  3. That's a LOT of cash but maybe Deshaun can recommend someone who can massage the cap figure
  4. I don't know much about Kyler aside from watching him play so it's probably unfair of me to constantly judge him on his body language during games. But he's always struck me as the kind of guy who's more than happy to posture and take the credit when something good happens, but pouts on the sideline when things aren't going well. For all I know he's a great leader and well liked in the locker room and I'm prepared to be corrected but from what I've seen during his time in the NFL he just looks like a me first guy who spent his entire life being the kid with the most athletic ability and struggles to cope now that he's in a league where he isn't the best on the field every game.
  5. Has the Little Mac thrown a pass more than 15 yards yet?
  6. Hey, if it wasn't for her I would never have married her sister
  7. I think the last time I watched was some time in the late 80s. It's just pointless. I did enjoy watching some of the skill challenges this week though. The QB ones especially were fun, it's just a shame the top QBs weren't taking part. It'd be funny to see Allen do that thread the needle challenge, just firing the ball as hard as he can at those DBs trying to block the ball away. They could do more challenges that would be fun to watch like tug of war with the linemen, distance kicks with the, erm, kickers. Maybe they do similar stuff, I haven't seen much of it. And I guess the worry over injuries limits what they can ask the guys to do
  8. On the day of the 1991 pro bowl I returned home early with a case of beer, all set to watch the game and caught my ex wife on the sofa, having intimate relations with our neighbor, Big Pat (I never learned why they called him that). To make matters worse, all Pat was wearing was an oversized Marino jersey which flapped around his girthy mid section as my wife slapped his a*s and yelled "you should have gone higher than Kelly!"
  9. I haven't read the replies but I bet a lot of them will echo what I say here. First of all, yes he was very quick. I think Kenny Davis was faster although that's just from my memory of the way he ran, that great high step he had. Not sure if he was in fact faster. Secondly, it's funny when I think back to Thurman's OTT entrance to Super Bowl 26 because looking here it really stands out how he tended to do the Barry Sanders thing of scoring a spectacular TD and then just tossing the ball to the ref. I always like it when great players do that. Thirdly, man I loved the NFL back then. Maybe it's because I was so young and the Bills were so good but the whole thing was better for me. From the announcers to the way the game was played. And finally. Thank GOD for Josh Allen. I was really beginning to lose my passion for watching this sport until he turned up. The guy is so much fun to watch and the way he plays in many ways makes him a throwback - that Jim Kelly-like linebacker attitude to playing QB where he will happily truck a defender to gain an extra couple yards. Looking back at these great Bills teams of yesteryear, Allen is already my favorite Buffalo player of all time and is probably now above Brett Favre as my favorite NFL player of all time
  10. I think there are definite arguments for both. The problem with the draft currently is it requires zero skill or effort to get the number 1 pick. You're being rewarded for being bad. And if you're a truly terrible team with an awful front office the players drafted are often ruined by it. look at all the QBs who have come out and taken a beating for 2 or 3 years and end up a shell of their former selves. FA and the salary cap are great for parity, but those require skill from your scouting team and your GM to juggle all the numbers.
  11. Well, the advantage with that would be giving the NFL yet another opportunity to create an 'event'. Imagine the weekend before the Super Bowl, instead of all the pro bowl trash they could have a big event where different NFL legends come up and pick team names out of a hat, similar to what FIFA does when they announce the groups for the World Cup. And it would create some interesting trade situations (a team like Buffalo getting the 1st pick in a draft where there's a big name QB expected to go number 1 - they could make a killing trading for a QB hungry team). But on the other hand the minute the Patriots got picked out first we'd all be accusing Kraft of bribing the Goodell with cash and Asian hookers to fix it for him Edit: I missed the part in the OP about non-playoff teams being involved. I say throw everyone in the lottery!
  12. Cool, so the same countries who make this ***** for less than a dollar a week get to have it all back again!
  13. I thought Red Wolves or Red Tails would have been good. Red Wolves was the one I would have chosen. The fans could have carried on the chant "hail to the red..." Commanders has an AAF feel to it but whatever. They're so irrelevant now and will be so long as that vile man is owning the team
  14. Me too, so funny. I guess he was hurt by the wind (and the fact he was the 9th selection after everyone else turned it down)
  15. This is so WWE I was expecting Mahomes to come out and hit him with a folded chair
  16. I always imagine Snyder conducts business like this man
  17. I've spent 20 years of marriage trying to find it and am now convinced it doesn't exist
  18. I may have contracted the clap... then again I could have just been gripping it too hard while doing pee pee
  19. If your boss offered you money to physically abuse another member of staff you wouldn't at least have a quiet word with HR about it? I think I would
  20. And he's already being held up as a hero for exposing this. Why didn't he quit the moment Ross offered him such a deal? Would he have come out and talked about this if Ross extended his contract?
  21. I was just watching ESPN (sorry) and it's interesting that every person on the panel, despite knowing not knowing all the details yet (and not being sure which of the ones they do know are true or false) are already painting Flores as a crusader who is standing up for what is right and what is good. I mean, can we hear some of the facts first before we decide that? And then we have Dan Orlofsky doing his best "I'm not racist! I'm great buddies with Marcus Spears! Tell 'em, Marcus!" Really interesting to see how people react to these stories
  22. Hey, I don't like this. When it was the Dolphins and Billy B I was having a great time pointing and laughing, but now McD is being dragged into it too? I think he should just release a statement that says "praise the Lord" and keep quiet until training camp
  23. I can't wait to hear Belichick take the witness stand: Lawyer: do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God? Belichick: We're on to Cincinnati
  24. I normally don't like behaving like an old lady hearing the latest gossip but I have to admit I'm...
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