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Dan Darragh

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Everything posted by Dan Darragh

  1. I'm a lawyer. Here's some free legal advice: If she checks the bank account before the end of the month and sees the extra $4500 in there you've STILL got some 'splaining to do. If you win, keep the winnings in CASH.
  2. What about Aaron Schobel? Great guy who had a good career but he retired in August, after free agency, draft and most of training camp were over.
  3. It had me hungry for a good salad How many times did they brag that they watched the Bills practice on Friday?
  4. Maybe they would have noticed that the guy with the play sheet speaking into the microphone was Sean and not Leslie. They aren't exactly identical twins.
  5. that was hillarious. Obviously someone got in his ear quickly because he pronounced it correctly after that
  6. Gamepass allows you to select the radio as your audio track (either radio broadcast, home or away) but I don't think there is a way to correct sync problems. Usually it's off by a few seconds which is a bit irritating but not terrible if the audio is ahead of the video. Yesterday was the worst sync problem I've experienced on Gamepass by far.
  7. How clueless were the TV announcers for the Chargers' game? At least as far as I can recall, they completely missed 2 huge halftime developments: Davis quitting and McDermott "benching" the DC. I'm abroad so I watch the games on gamepass, but I usually opt for the audio from the Bills radio network when I'm watching since these guys are good and know the team well. For this game, though, the radio audio was out of whack (3 or 4 minutes behind the action) so I had to listen to the CBS audio. What a shame.
  8. Please, NO. We don't need another "_J" nickname. Haven't you had enough with Simpson, Spiller, Manuel, McCarron, Graham? The only other "Taiwan" I know of in sports uses the nickname "Chinese Taipei" so maybe we can call him "CT"
  9. Personally I haven't been this stoked since the onset of the Alex Van Pelt Era
  10. I think it was the other way around. Dez knew that by coming to Cleveland he'd get a free infomercial on Hard Knocks. But it backfired. If the putrid Browns weren't interested, why would anyone else take a chance?
  11. Not sure but remember that A-Rod once won the MVP on a last-place team (Rangers). Think where they'd have finished without him.
  12. This article makes a very valid point. Take a page from the Baltimore Orioles and trade Shady now while he's still got value, in return for picks or players we'll need to continue the rebuild. https://www.newyorkupstate.com/expo/sports/erry-2018/09/8c24cc48808900/should-buffalo-bills-trade-les.html
  13. Mine is Kill Bills
  14. No, the most important question is whether he can learn the playbook by week 1. And don't forget we have a new OC this year!
  15. The minute he gets picked for the first time people will start clamoring for Allen
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