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Dan Darragh

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Everything posted by Dan Darragh

  1. The Jets whiffed on a QB at #2 and a QB at #3 in a three-year span
  2. I guess a 4 and a 10 really are worth a lot more than a 23. Who knew???
  3. Better than blue ones.
  4. I say we cut Josh and find a left-handed QB so we can make RT the most important position on the OL. Should I set up a poll?
  5. All this talk of (Jonathan) Taylor made me notice that it's been a few weeks since someone here called for bringing back (Tyrod) Taylor. Wassup you guys?
  6. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/98947d4d-4274-4a5b-b238-00ae3d08c0f3
  7. Six syllables! DING DING DING You win!
  8. Oh, YOU'RE the one with the sense of humor? Lighten up, man.
  9. So in that case, maybe the Chiefs will cut Mahomes and we could sign him for the veteran minimum.
  10. If I was a Texans fan and they traded 25 year old Davis Mills with a reasonably high ceiling just so they can keep 35 year old Case Keenum with no ceiling as a backup, well not sure what I'd do because if I was a Texans fan and didn't already blow my brains out...
  11. That was a filthy throw.
  12. Isn't he the guy that Putin whacked this week?
  13. We already have a 53
  14. Let me refine it. I'd like to find out which guys posted that Edmunds wasn't worth keeping who are now posting about how worried they are about the MLB situation. My guess is there's a lot of overlap.
  15. I think you meant to say castoff
  16. If I had time to kill and hated myself, I'd go looking for all of the threads from the last 2 years with people screaming we'd be better off without Edmunds. Those did not age well, and I'm hoping this thread won't either.
  17. Better with the cast off than with it still on.
  18. Paul Brown got it right, named the team after himself. It's a lot harder to change.
  19. Is it too soon for the Bears to take the GSH off their uniforms? George Hallas has been dead for 40 years.
  20. Good news from today's game: 1. "Start from Beginning" option (at least on browser version which I was using) 2. No commercials, they just take the tv feed (you see the field during commercials)
  21. UGH - NFL GamePass is showing the Chicago broadcast
  22. Bears are carrying 4 QBs on the 90 man roster, including one with 5 NFL starts - Nate Peterman. Maybe we can sign him at halftime. (Except he never plays for us in the second half...)
  23. So DAZN told me my credit card was no good (not true) so my account was cancelled. Then I tried 2 other credit cards and they were both no good (not true) so I switched to PayPal and they charged me the full amount which came out of my account (about $200) but then they notified me that the account was no good and that I need to reregister with a different email account. Meanwhile I can still access the site and see previously recorded games, NFL Newtork etc. So I'm not sure what's happening. I'll try today's game against the Bears to see if it works, and if not I'll register under a different email address then I'll have to fight it out with PayPal to get a refund. This DAZN service is a total fail so far. And there's nobody to talk to.
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