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Everything posted by VW82

  1. I remain terrified of this pick, and expect Oliver to have a rough transition to the NFL much like Edmunds did at times. I also thought Edmunds might have to change positions and those guys scare me. OTOH in two years it’s possible we have the best 3T/MLB combo in the NFL. I’d be more skeptical if it wasn’t McBeane taking/developing them.
  2. Nowhere did I say they were gods. I said I’m growing more impressed with each transaction and that they weren’t incompetent. That’s quite the reach you made. Obviously there have been misses. They way they handled the QB position last year was just awful. Many of the decisions they made last off season were terrible, but they appear to be getting better. What I like the most is they seem to be building an identity with tough minded, character guys. No divas. No agenda guys. They had a rebuilding plan and they executed it, and even lucked out and made the playoffs for the first time this century. On the whole, it’s been impressive. Obviously everything depends on Allen’s development and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about that (especially with the way our other QB decisions have gone). There’s hope for him though, and now at least we’ve given him help. I’m the meantime, we’ll be a tough minded defensive team that good teams aren’t going to like playing. We’ll be in most of the games, playing hard and being competitive, which as a fan is all you can ask for really.
  3. This is perfect. Exactly what I'm sure many of us were hoping for. Gotta say, I grow more impressed with McBeane with each transaction. It's so much more fun cheering for a team that isn't incompetent when making player personnel decisions.
  4. Darnold vs. Allen vs. Rosen is going to be fun to watch over the next few years. It’s crazy that they all wound up in the same division. I thought Darnold marginally outplayed Allen in their meeting last year, and on the season. Everyone brings up our lack of weapons but the Jets didn’t have much to work with either. I didn’t get to see as much of Rosen. Let’s hope our boy plays well enough that he becomes than just one of the 2018 QB class in the AFCE.
  5. The Browns are being pumped up because their roster is incredible. They have great lines, a shut down corner, one the best play makers in the league, and a young QB who looks like a perennial all pro. I’d put them below NE and KC but they’re definitely in that next tier IMO.
  6. If we're picking 4th overall next year then we're looking at QBs not WRs.
  7. This was what I was trying to say about building our offense around the passing game. Maybe Ford doesn’t quite have the athleticism you’d look for in a tackle but he gets the job done. He was 4th best out of all the draft eligible tackles in fewest pressures allowed per snap. The guy is going to be good.
  8. I just meant he doesn't diagnose the play quickly/correctly enough and get the ball out. His story about being a normal farm kid who played lots of sports and had other responsibilities totally fits. Compare that to other players who enter the league having spent most of their physical and mental energy throughout childhood playing and thinking about football, playing Madden, etc. So Allen is a little behind from that stand point and it shows on the field. Watch Baker, then watch Allen. Josh will get better at that stuff though with more reps, and in the meantime his physical gifts are special and will keep us in or win us a bunch of games. The extra offensive talent around him will help tremendously.
  9. I think you can still be a star QB even if your decision making and timing is a little suspect. We've seen Vick do it. Favre was the best player in the world for a couple years. Cam was MVP. Allen has escape-ability + a crazy arm combo that few others have ever possessed. Again, I'm not saying he can't improve with his pre-snap reads, and making quick, correct decisions with the football; but right now he isn't anywhere near that type of QB (to be realistic). It would seem like a tough ask for him to become something he's not. I think it's a perfectly fair ask of him to continue making explosive plays with his god given ability and improved throwing mechanics. Eventually, he'll gain enough experience to hard wire in more of those "football instincts" (i.e. quick decisions) and won't be as reliant on his natural gifts.
  10. I don’t mean to call him dumb either. I’m sure he’s a smart kid. He just doesn’t have hardwired football instincts like some of these guys who have been life and death with the game since they were kids. He’s behind the curve. I can’t see any reason why Josh won’t have multiple receivers go off in a game on a consistent basis. He did that later in the season last year. It just takes him longer to find the open guy because he wants them to really get open so he can gun it in as appose to having to lead the receiver as much and risk behind inaccurate (my working theory). He’ll get better at that too. But it’s that extra second he takes in the pocket to figure out where/how to throw that’s going to determine a lot of his career. Bet he can shave at least half of it off in the next few years, and for him given all his other gifts that might be enough.
  11. I think making quick decisions and hitting the check down guy in the numbers is something Josh might always struggle with. No doubt he’ll improve, but I don’t think he’s wired to see the game that way. He’ll never be Baker spreading it out, and getting the ball out in two seconds or less. Currently he doesn’t make enough explosive plays to make up for the fact that his reads are slow and often incorrect, or inaccurate. I think he has a better chance becoming a superstar play maker than a cerebral QB. The Cam Newton comparison still feels appropriate. Maybe a YPA of 9 is attainable. That’s rare air but he has the talent to do it. The fact he can escape the rush so well gives him a lot of leeway to extend plays and go for chunk yardage, and if it isn’t there he can just run for it. I’d prefer Tom Brady or Phillip Rivers but that’s not who we drafted. Regardless of how he does it, I think he’ll be much better this year.
  12. I don't think we're ever going to see a high completion percentage from Allen, but we might get a high YPA. I'm hoping to see an increase in explosive plays. He flashed that at times, but too often was playing solely on instinct and with little to no help. 8+ YPA would be great. 60% Comp, 220 YPG, 60 RPG sounds about right. INTs will be an issue but you live with that as long as he's making plays and winning.
  13. Statistically Ford was a better pass protector than run blocker, though let’s hope he’s just a stud period. I think he was 4th overall for draft prospects in lowest number of pressures given up per snap last year. Like I mentioned earlier in the thread, we paid wrs in FA, with the Beasley signing being the most notable as he typically plays in the slot. That tells me we probably plan on rolling with more three wr sets, and less full back. Whether we run or pass, we’ll be doing it more from passing formations. The Gore signing is another clue. For an old guy, he’s still pretty adept at picking up the blitz and catching out of the backfield even if he isn’t a 20 touch guy anymore.
  14. Besides the vast improvement in pass blocking talent across the line and at running back, paying a slot receiver in Beasley a lot of money is definitely one clue. Often you're stuck choosing between a slot guy and a fullback. It's obviously not as simple as saying one is for passing and one is for rushing, but I do think that choice says something about the identity of your team. We've been a full back team for a while now and it looks like we intend to be a three WR team more this year.
  15. Good post. I agree the run game should be better as it was awful last year. Perhaps I'm selling our Oline short and they'll all be maulers, and we'll have a top ranked run game. Guess we'll see. I'm very optimistic they'll be able to pass protect though. Again, it was some of the other clues - Beasley and Gore signings, overhauling the WR group, coupled with what looked like an emphasis on better pass blockers - that made it look like we're planning on throwing it more this year, or at least play calling based on the threat of the pass. As others have said, a balanced attack is best.
  16. Mitch Morse and Cody Ford are both known as much better pass blockers than run blockers. If you disagree with that, you're going against the majority of scout takes and draft profiles out there for whatever that's worth. If someone wants to claim to be a Morse or Ford aficionado I'm prepared to listen and update my thinking. We paid a lot of money to Cole Beasley who is a slot receiver. Generally you're picking two of a TE, FB, or slot WR. That probably means a few less play calls involving a TE + FB, and more three WR looks. We brought in Frank Gore who is a noted pass blocker at the RB position. McCoy has always been a little small for that though he was an incredible runner for years. There are a lot of signs that we're going to lean much more on the passing attack this year. I'm surprised to be getting this much push back.
  17. Ok, ok...but seriously, nobody wants to talk about the apparent change in philosophy to becoming a passing team? The evidence is all over the roster. We were still a run first team last year even though we didn't really have the personnel. I'll be shocked if we're a run first team this year.
  18. I'm not saying they can't run block but when you read through the scouting reports of our Oline guys we appear to have more pass protection talent than run blocking talent. It doesn't look like we have a Richie/EWood type run blocker on this team unless someone surprises. I'm hopeful for Singletary but he's unproven. Shady and Gore will get every opportunity to prove whether they still have it. Either way, the off season focus seems to have been tilted toward making us a passing team. Just my opinion.
  19. FWIW I think this is probably smart. We gave up a king's ransom to draft Allen, and even though there have been some giant red flags to date he clearly has talent. There has been lots of talk about the new receiver group and how that will help, particularly Beasley who should allow for more three WR formations, but the new Oline is also really well built to pass protect. Morse and Ford, in particular, are well above average pass protectors, though perhaps not as great in the running game. Singletary adds a jolt of excitement to our RB group but the main guys are well past their prime and the overall talent level at this stage isn't something we can probably lean on. Gore can pick up a blitz though. There's going to be a lot of pressure on the passing game to take a big step forward this year. McBeane appear to have designed it that way. Buffalo usually builds with their run game in mind as you need to be able to get tough yards in Dec/Jan when the weather turns. Was it smart to build our offense this way or should we have gone after road graders and a world class RB to pair with Allen, and take pressure off him using play action? Overall I like what we've done and I think the change in team building strategy is interesting. Edited the title so it doesn't sound so negative.
  20. I like this pick more than Oliver. Ford looks like someone we can pencil in at RT for the next 5+ years.
  21. https://www.si.com/nfl/2018/11/19/2019-draft-ed-oliver-attitude-character-houston-will-grier-chip-kelly-brian-kelly-trevor-lawrence "Houston DT Ed Oliver’s run-in with coach Major Applewhite wouldn’t be a big deal if Oliver didn’t already carry a bit of rep in this regard. According to scouts, Oliver has been widely seen as high-maintenance, and as a guy who’s gotten things his way a lot (his high school defensive coordinator, A.J. Blum, was hired as his position coach two years ago) since arriving on campus as the first five-star recruit in program history." He was primarily a nose tackle at Houston whereas we're going to play him as a three technique. Nose is more lateral movement. It's possible he adds positional versatility which is always a bonus. It's also possible he's not really a great fit at either position at the NFL level.
  22. I'm still a little shocked we took Oliver. He seems like the opposite of a McD guy. A highly touted recruit with attitude problems. I always get a little nervous taking someone really high and immediately asking him to play a different position than what got him there. How often does that work? This feels like a huge gamble. I'd be more concerned if I didn't have so much faith in McD. Trust the process, I guess.
  23. Hate this pick. Undersized nose that we’re going to ask change positions. And he has an attitude problem. Why didn’t we draft a WR and convert him to LBer? Or maybe a safety that we could have converted to a QB?? The possibilities were endless!! What a wasted opportunity.
  24. Is Hockerson not a big reach at 9? Someone please tell me we're moving back to pick up an extra first next year.
  25. I think if he doesn't take a big leap forward in his play this year he'll be on very thin ice. There were a lot of excuses made for him, many of them true, to absolve any blame for our horrific passing attack. This year he now has a year under his belt in the system, and will be surrounded by better players. If he struggles with accuracy and decision making again, then I hope we don't resort to calling it a sophomore slump. Personally, I think he's going to take another big step forward in his development just like he started to at the end of last season.
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