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  1. The NFL’s television deals pay the salary cap for the entire league so Cousins would probably still be getting some pretty big checks. Just sayin’.
  2. There’s no chance. Buffalo will be opened on the same timeline as the rest of the state, which Cuomo has recently said is still week’s away. They haven’t even begun their multi-state plan to reopen the economy yet. You’re not going to see schools reopen this academic year. I’d wager you won’t see non-essential businesses until at least mid-May. An international border? Who knows.
  3. And Josh Allen is going to be free? If Allen continues to progress as this team’s franchise QB, he’s going to be 35 million a year.
  4. Interesting, since Mike Clay also has JA ranked as his #7 fantasy QB. I’ve also heard him talk very positively of JA on various podcasts. In general, I really like Clay but he’s a statistical analysis guy and let’s be honest, at this point, JA is a gamer who gets it done in spite of the stats. It isn’t always pretty but he gets it done. I think this ranking reflects that.
  5. Considering OBL is essentially a team-backed PR show, I’m surprised the Bills haven’t sent over some new talking points for Murph and Tasker. Really must be absolutely nothing going on over there.
  6. I love when people take a legitimate criticism and twist it out of context. Never change, TBD.
  7. So it’s like the majority of team’s backup QB situations?
  8. As a school teacher, that’s starting to come more into focus as a potential reality. One shoe already dropped with one state already announcing it and another state hinting at it. In New York, we have the governor saying the outbreak peak is still 45 days away and my district is already sending us instructional updates requesting us to move to more online distance learning. To me, that suggests they’re preparing for the four weeks off to become four months off.
  9. It’s not ironic at all. It’s the first day after a scheduled week long spring break.
  10. With Williamsville and Lancaster schools announcing their closed indefinitely, I’d expect the rest (Buffalo and immediate suburbs) to close indefinitely as well. Who knows if the BPS will actually have that school day Tuesday. Sort of defeats the purpose of starting a social distancing quarantine if they do.
  11. So we should just let the virus spread uncontrollably like wildfire through asymptomatic carriers until it’s ravaging the elderly and medically frail everywhere? That’s how you end up with a million dead.
  12. You only consider the move for OBJ if you’re McD and you think you can knock down OBJ’s ego a couple pegs and keep him in check. Id consider a second and another pick, definitely not blowing Cleveland away. Looking for a buy low situation like Randy Moss from Oakland to NE.
  13. What the hell strawman are you prattling on about? I made no argument about what you’re writing. I DID directly respond to a post about the player’s union having to vote on a 17th game. I’d also respond to what you think is unsupported by facts, which is generally (and I used that term) true and can be seen throughout the tenets of the NFLPA’s own prior contract preferences. This isn’t the place for that argument, though. Don’t create strawman arguments. It’s intellectually dishonest.
  14. Nirvana was always a band whom I didn’t like but respected their place in music until the ‘Your Favorite Band Sucks’ podcast really hammered home my dislike for Cobain and the band. A solid listen unless you really love Nirvana, then you might be a little bummed afterwards.
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