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Everything posted by DuckyBoys

  1. He had no affect coming or going. I figured he was the insurance plan if the draft didn't work out Peterman improving made him expendable. No more place holders. Play Allen , he doesn't work out go draft another till you find the guy. Meantime now that the old roster debris has been cleansed start on building a young nucleus of above average starters with the draft. Last years draft they got Tre and Dawkins might end up being pretty good. 2016 a wash unless Lawson gets it going. 2015 draft we got nothing. 2014 draft nothing. Till they start hitting and retaining 2/3 quality starters per draft were going nowhere.
  2. I have no problem with the moves to get Allen and Edmunds. We'll see how they pan out in the next 2-3 years but both had huge upside. Bills fans have been clamoring for a 1st round qb for over a decade. Free agency is tougher to gauge because it seems like far more of the deals don't pan out than do and all the teams seem to overpay. Sammy got 16 mill a year . That seems absurd.
  3. The judgement will come from what he does with all that cap space and picks plus Josh Allen. Clearing all that cap space is nice but if he whiffs on all these free agent moves he'll be gone and we'll be rebuilding yet again. Realistically what is the core of this team right now going forward?
  4. He must be a real meathead. It was unusual to see the Browns cut that high of a pick so soon and now we know why. Given the state of the Bills WR core he must be a mental basket case not make this team . Kind of bummed, I was hoping we'd get lucky and get a starter WR out of him
  5. Winston continues to do stupid things he'll be out of the league. Fitzpatrick is easy to root for.
  6. McCaron is pretty awful. Given the Bengals never even considered giving him a shot even when Dalton had his struggles what did we expect
  7. Not sure I understand the logic of AJ for the entire game. I would understand Peterman or Allen not playing because they are the starter.. What is McDermotts thought process on this?
  8. Lets bubble wrap Josh Allen put him in a box that says don't open till 2020 and put him in the closet. That should be about the time the O Line gets fixed.
  9. That's laughable that Allen took the blame for the O line and Marshall Newhouse goes out and throw him under the bus Anybody was shook it was the center of the O line where they got walked right back repeatedly
  10. You nailed it Media clowns bringing up Tyrod is a joke. If we had a top 5 defense and if we had a top 5 running game we could win with Tyrod and it would still be week to week depending on how well the other had a game plan. I'd rather have Allen and give him the next three years to show he can give the Bills a legitimate chance to win any week against any opponent. There were games the past three years that you knew it was over after one quarter once teams figured out Tyrod's limitations Keep drafting the other holes and if Allen isn't the guy you go out and try again in 2021 Peterman is a stop gap of developmental #2 unless you can coach arm strength. Drew Brees is one qb I can think of who came in with limited arm and a few years later could throw to the outside numbers
  11. I figure Peterman starts. Coaching staff seems to have some hard on for Nate. Think its a win/win if he goes out there day 1 He does well fantastic, Josh can sit back and soak it up on the sideline. If Nate struggles we'll see Josh Allen soon anyway. I just dont want the Bills to start Josh Allen and pull him for Peterman or worse AJ. Once they make the decision to go with Allen that's it Don't go back and forth and kill any chance the guy has. Don't turn it into Losman/Edwards part Two
  12. Clay will be gone soon Contract Whaley designed was terrible especially given Clay already had knee issues On the bright side Bills backup TE's look to have some talent Croom looks intriguing
  13. They need to find some long term answers at WR so the investment in a young player who was a high draft pick just two years seems a worthy one at its cost. Benjamin wont be here in 2019 (I'd be shocked) Is Zay Jones the player who set records at college or the invisible man from last year Rest are scrubs/special teams guys
  14. Left tackle would be exception I don't see Beane trading away a ton of assets for Mack
  15. I think Bills have more pressing concerns on offense that Allen or Peterman . 1st team OL has looked bad in each game. 1st team WR's and Clay look like they are running in sand. Shady is one year older.
  16. He's a reclamation project with upside Let's see if the Bills can motivate him Evidently the Browns said he lacked effort/preparation
  17. Step up where? Bengals pushed the Bills interior lineman straight backwards immediately. Atkins tossed Duccasse like a bean bag right into Allen
  18. Good for him Hope he puts the money to some worthy use
  19. No QB can deal with immediate pressure up the middle. O line was horrible. Really should have been 7 or 8 sacks but he was able to pull away from tackles. In a regular season game they would quickly put in one step throws and some screens/draws to help negate the pressure. There was no adjustment just three step drop with immediate pressure right in his face mask at the top of the drop. With that said,he didn't appear scared or rattled. He'll be fine, he looks far more polished than what I expected . They can roll out Peterman week one just don't have him throw any outs. They better keep all 3 qbs, with this OL expect some missed games
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