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Everything posted by Livi38

  1. I believe Schopp is an arrogant, belittling jerk. And for the first time, I respect him for not hiding it with a "high" profile guest. Still completely inappropriate, but at least he didn't hide it. Usually he holds that for callers that he thinks he is better than.
  2. Where did I change the topic? You said he was the most intelligent and I said he wasn't. I don't believe he provides substance in his arguments.... and resorting to child like insults and sarcasm is a direct reflection of that. I have opinions about certain callers but and I don't have a problem with calling out inaccuracies. But I don't think its right to call people idiots or make it out as if I think something is interesting, than everyone should accept that. when an on air personality says "Great Call" or the like, even when they disagree with the point..... shows more than giving praise because it's a shared opinion. full disclosure, based on aired content, I think Jeremy and Murph come across as the most intelligent. And I don't agree with either very often. You show show the same characteristics. You find certain things interesting and you have an opinion.... and if that isn't shared then everyone else is "choosing to ignore it". When in actuality, these are subjective opinions, not factual disputes.
  3. He is not even close to the most intelligent person on wgr, based solely on broadcasted content. He is an instigator who doesn't have competition. He is an elitist who talks down to everyone. He is a blow hard when he and Chris are on alone, and then cowers during interviews. He never admits he was wrong and spins his own perspectives to make sure he doesn't have to be humble, and to be negative to all the "lesser" callers.
  4. Sign Tebow and Kaep..... sit back and watch the chaos.
  5. Nice! Great write-up. Tasker is so self-deprecating on wgr, I went back and watched the highlight videos. Great stuff!
  6. That would be be awesome to see! Do you have a link or can you send it?
  7. I wouldn't sign him. If his skill set was something the team wanted, they would have kept Tyrod, or drafted Jackson. I respect Kaep for making his position as impactful as possible. I also wouldn't support an organization that employs someone that promotes a blanket negative perception of law enforcement. Or promotes a brutal dictator like Fidel Castro, while saying he meant just the investment in education portion of his agenda.... imagine some racist a$$hat whereing a David duke shirt saying he only agreed with his pursuit of public service through political office.
  8. Julio got himself open for almost every pass attempt his way. Probably a few where he wasn't targeted.....looking good.
  9. In my opinion, the wgr lineup is bipolar. Ra Ra from 12-3. Sully 2.0 from 3-7. The night cap, I have found, to be the most objective. Although I did like Ryan's show better. Although the morning show isn't bad. I would never have a beer with Jeremy and I find his socio-political rants annoying, but his commentary is good.... which was an art Sully couldn't grasp for the past 15 + years. And no doubt .... BuffaloRush is, or has a personal tie to Sully.
  10. 8-8.... with a lot of promise for '19. Phillips/Edmonds/Allen all show strong.
  11. I've been shopping all morning for a Bojorquez jersey..... must have sold out already.
  12. Harrison and the Hendersons.... had to go PC for the kiddo.
  13. I have been out of the area for 12 years and used to listen on the wgr app. Like others have commented, I just stopped listening between 3 and 7. Schopp is arrogant, condescending, uninformed and rude. There are too many options out there to continue to listen to that crap. I don't agree with J White hardly at all, but I will tune in because they are typically well thought out opinions. Also, the Sabres couldn't even be discussed without Bulldog back in the day. Schopp doesn't have a clue.
  14. I hope the OL shows well against a pretty good DL.
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