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Everything posted by COTC

  1. Yeah I agree, but that isn’t how it was. In the early 2000s before the pussification of the NFL. Opposing fans/ players wouldn’t dare to act out, they knew their place.
  2. When your GM refuses to fill the holes made from the previous year. A sign of a bad GM.
  3. It’s obvious intelligence isn’t a requirement to be a “process” guy.
  4. We went from a top rushing team to ****. Starts with Dabbs. He is just not an adequate coach.
  5. Wasting a roster space on a third QB is irresponsible, esp when we have so many holes on that side of the ball. Anderson will be ready this week. The practice squad is for players with potential, so we should just cut Nate and let him go into preaching. I would say Wednesday is the day.
  6. Wouldn’t surprise me with McDuffus making decisions.
  7. I agree. Good post. Its members that can’t have a normal discussion who are throwing out the troll insult. They really can’t fathom someone else having a different opinion. When the troll card is played, I immediately lose all respect for that offending member. It really comes down to lack of self control and simple reasoning.
  8. Players need to stay out of the stands. In NE, he deserved it. Imagine if that happened in OP. Hill probably would have been knocked out and choked. Fans have to defend their turf. Opposing fans need to be wary of potential dangers attending a game on the road. Never go into a portapoty, Never walk alone and never brag if your team wins. Bringing attention to yourself could cause cause serious personal injury and it’s just not worth it.
  9. The Rex/Whaley regime was a better put together team with more talent. It’s a coin flip weather Rex was a better coach than McD. I think they let Rex and Whales go too early. Hopefully they make the same mistake with this inept front office.
  10. D has been looking great. However impressive, their turn over differential is unsustainable. We need our O to put point s on the board, before the D get discouraged and starts mailing it in. We need a coach to take control of the offense, they need a leader.
  11. I would think they would get rid of both. Never know though.
  12. Interesting quote. Are you saying being bullied inspires humbleness?
  13. Do they let Beane hire his own coach?
  14. I don’t take offense from petty name calling. I respond.
  15. We already have welfare ticket prices because of the city we play in. How much cheaper do you want them to go? The new stadium will end this and you will see it is a privilege to attend a game.
  16. “The Process” is just an excuse to prolong the jobs of these frauds. Only the ignorant, blind sheep believe there is a “process” in place. Unfortunately, “the process” is a selfish ploy.
  17. Should’ve took Rosen...
  18. He has guts and is tall, his talent is very questionable. Too early.
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