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Posts posted by COTC

  1. 2 hours ago, 3rdand12 said:

    and how does that protect others, ?

    he should quite obviously  be inpatient in the potentially violent wing. If he goes off ? he is going to be rather difficult to stop.

    I am seriously disappointed in our Health care system as well as our judicial system who made that call

    you nailed it. and that is exactly how i have read his relapses.

     call for alarm ?

    it likely is drugs. the ones he is prescribed. Not cool to just stop those cuz. and then alcohol and any other self induced "medicines" likely exacerbate the dysfunctioning neurons even more.
    hell of a ride

    what will the Health community and legal systems excuse be ?

    obviously he is unable to control his person.

    Yeah,  he is out of control.


    But legally, will this be his only crutch? I would hope that dimished capacity from cte is not a valid defense (excuse). Similar to ptsd. 



  2. 6 minutes ago, KW95 said:


    How do you not think 5 INT ( I say 2-3 were not his fault ) to 0 in second half.  


    That is poise in the heat of battle at its best


    Just because you start off horrible and slightly improve does not make you poised. 


    We still lost the game and it hurt our playoff chances. Thank you Cinci. 


    Peterman is not good. Not better than tyrod (who played the second half) def not better than Allen. 

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