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Posts posted by COTC

  1. 7 hours ago, Fadingpain said:

    Actually, hard work, sweating over every last detail, and always thinking you can improve are the sorts of things that lead to good things.


    We are a league leading regression candidate for this season and likely to take a big step backward.  Without the ridiculous takeaway/giveaway ratio we enjoyed last year, we almost have to regress.


    The question is whether we will rebound with 2 steps forward next year and beyond.


    That depends entirely on whether or not Josh Allen can defy odds and turn into a good QB.



    Somebody pass this guy the Prozac. 


    We will improve and build upon last year. 


    Cheer up Bud. 

  2. 44 minutes ago, Batman1876 said:

    Rex was in a different situation, he inherited a top defense and was supposed to make them better and win games, he failed and lost the team while he was at it.  In this situation there is no doubt that they expect to struggle and so ownership wou t be surprised when/ if they do.  If they don’t improve in 2019 then that is when the seat gets hot. 

    Different but very similar situation.


    McD inherited the #1 rushing attack, good run defense and a starting QB. 


    Mcds team stats were down in almost every category compared to Rex’ team. 


    Several head scratchers, like starting Peterman and almost single handily sabotaged the year in LA, (cinci saved us)

    There are even rumors the o-line revolted and purposely let defenders through to sack peterman. (Lost his team) for example. 


    At this point, Rex is the better coach and whales was the better GM. 


    Time will tell of course, if history is any indication, McD and beane has two years left here in Buffalo. 



  3. As a fan, it’s not the worse fate. 


    As as a coach and gm, they must improve on last year. We all know they lucked into the playoffs while all stats were down significantly, from Rex’ team. 


    I really want these these guys to make it past the typical 3 years span for unsuccessful coach and Gms. (Not looking good)


    Tanking this year will be the beginning of the end for McD and Beane. Who will be on the hot seat for year three and lame ducks. 


    Id prefer success and so would the front office, especially the owners. 


    That dark cloud, cursed loser culture is a thing of the past. They are winners and will continue to dominate. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Buffalo Ballin said:


    Eh. Every SINGLE QB will throw picks. What's wrong with you? How about this: The present and the future is Nate Peterman. Josh Allen will never be handed the keys in Buffalo. Yes, he'll start IF Nate gets injured and can't play. However, Coach will yank him out very quickly once Nate is ready to go back in.


     GM Beane got played during the draft. He should have never traded for Josh Allen as I written months ago.

    What wrong with him?? 

  5. There is no doubt there is pressure from above to improve on last season. This is not a rebuilding year. Pegulas expect playoffs and at least 10 wins.   


    Mcdermott has a lot of pressure to perform. 


    Results= job security. 

  6. 9 hours ago, Ol Dirty B said:


    This is a pretty uneducated point of view, and an ignorance of history. The reason why, Buffalo, Detroit, Cleveland, put Rochester in it, Pittsburgh, I'm sure I'm missing a few other is because of the decline of manufacturing and cities being built upon one or two businesses. As an economy grows, it specializes and manufacturing gets phased out. It's pretty basic stuff... I'd expect someone who has it all figured out like you do to understand a basic macroeconomics concept. 


    The economy moved on, and despite what you're saying, the cost of living is not great here compared to the rest of the country. The income and property taxes are among highest in the nation. I'm not sure who you are comparing Buffalo to when it comes to cost of living, NYC? Toronto? Miami? Some where in Cali? Chicago? Philadelphia? Because outside of that, Buffalo and those cities I mentioned aren't much cheaper than other markets in the country. Maybe I left out Austin? Houston and Dallas? 


    This post is just so dumb it's amazing. Are you trolling? What are you comparing Buffalo to? Because sure, the same ranch in La Jolla will cost you 5x what it does in Buffalo, but thats just an idiot talking who would compare the two.


    I love it also, the just, move out of Buffalo they'll give you 6 figures for nothing bro. Then you come back and live like a king. Are you on some cheech and chong ****?


    And the rest of the country is thriving? Am I speaking to the POS, I mean, the POTUS himself?


    Where is he from? Actually both are good questions, because if he has been a season ticket holder since 01 and still doesn't know why this region of the country declined so greatly... I'd take anything he has to say with a grain of salt and now I'm questioning UB's academics.

    B, You need to calm down and control your emotions. 


    Your tone and and lack of respect is uncalled and frankly unfounded. 


    I see that you were triggered (not my intent), but you need to get a grip.


    Take a deep breath and think before you react. 




    Have A Great Day. You are special and important!!! Don’t ever forget that. 



  7. 21 minutes ago, stony said:

    Serious question: You've been to Buffalo and said "this place is nice, but the poverty is killing the vibe?"

    Did my undergrad at UB. A season ticket holder since 2001. Yes, every time I’m in the city, I think that. It has potential. 



  8. Buffalo has a strange attraction. People are very nice and welcoming. However the poverty and blue collar mindset kills the vibe. 


    Not too sure what happened back in the day, but someone really screwed up that city. They struggle for peanuts when the rest of the country flourishes. 


    What generation ruined Buffalo?


    the boomers or the generation before them?


    NYC is just an excuse. 


    It’s like America’s Mexico. You could literally move somewhere else, make 3x of what you could in Buffalo, save up,  then move back rich; retire a king. 

  9. 57 minutes ago, twoandfourteen said:


    Ben Roethlisberger threw 5 INTs in a game last year, too. Two of them were run back for TDs. 


    Should he have been sent packing to never play again?


    If you go back and look, I posted a list containing  many examples of QBs who had 5+ INTs in a game. It happens. It happens to Super Bowl MVPs and it happens to 5th round rookies in their 1st ever start. Get over it. 


    Tyrod Taylor had multiple games last year with less than 100 yards passing going into the 4th Q. Were you thinking he should be out of the league for those unacceptable performances? Or because he didn't turn the ball over, those abysmal passing days were ok with you?



    This is ridiculous, but I’ll play. 


    Narrow that list down to 5 picks in the first half, IF he played the second, how many more would he have had?


    (hypothetical) 2,3 maybe 4 more. That would of make 7-9 picks in that game. How many successful  qbs have done that?


     Big Ben is a very talented, yet lazy QB. He is already a hall of famer, with effort he could of been goat. There is no comparison, no he obviously should not of been sent packing. 


    In real time, Peterman panics. 



    We all know TRod scored points and helped tremendously with his legs, because of him, we were #1 in rushing for two years straight. His yards came elsewhere. We will miss Trod. 

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