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Posts posted by COTC

  1. 9 minutes ago, gobillsatthebeach said:

    I just don't understand why they traded McCarron when the QB's consist of a rookie and and 2nd year QB with 2 starts that resulted in 5 pics in the first half and zero complete games behind a reshuffled, vastly downgraded O-line.  They could afford his cap - they signed him.  He would be no worse than Peterman and another player to take snaps to provide time for Allen's development.

    Beane needed to rocoup the 7th he wasted trading for Coleman and then cutting him...


    regardless it was a very irresponsible, shortsighted decision. Another bad omen for beane. 

  2. 32 minutes ago, billieve420 said:


    Not sure what one has to do with the other. Team took a shot on a WR on a team devoid of speed on the outside. It didn’t work out can’t fault them for trying.


    Reporters covering practices and watching McCarron play in the preseason shown me he was not going to be the answer on this team. Skittish in the pocket and slow in getting the ball out is a recipe for disaster. There was a reason he played the entire last preseason game. They were showcasing him to other teams in hopes of making a deal as he might have been cut anyway..

    Which is totally irresponsible to role with a rookie and Peterman. Beane has no plan. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, Augie said:


    The Browns fired Captain Cheater. How did that work out? 


    More accurately, we cannot sacrifice our future Franchise QB over a few games in a meaningless season. BE SMART! 

    Augie , you’re one of those can’t see the forest for the treees types, aren’t you. 


    Too many  things can happen and go wrong between now and next year, Allen needs the reps and Our o-line is adequate. 


    A lame duck coach is a fired coach...


    winners make plans. 


    losers make excuses. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. So many holes. We really need a new coach and gm. 


    This looks like another start of a very long playoff drought because of a overzealous gm who need “their” players. 


    This is what happens when insecurity replaces judgement in turning over a roster. 

    • Like (+1) 5
  5. Just now, dayman said:

    We may be the worst team in 10 years.

    I’d say the worst coached team for sure. Beane maybe on the same level as Brandon for GM skill

    1 minute ago, Augie said:


    Actually, I am very tired, so that’s fair. But I’m not buying your premise. Maybe I can go deeper at another time. I’d take my time with Josh, and not care what anybody else says. Keep your view down the road, not at your feet. 

    A lame duck coach is a fired coach. We cannot sacrifice the year...

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Augie said:


    So that’s why Josh got all of 3 points against the scrubs. You keep telling yourself that, but I’m tired of you. 

    The team looked better, the timing was better. Josh coming off the bench, did ok. You could tell the team really needed a change. 


    Josh with full week with the ones and game prep and he will look competent ..


    i think you may just be tired...

  7. Just now, Augie said:


    FALSE. A 7th AND a 7th in two different transactions. ZERO causal relationship, but a coincidence. That’s what it costs to take a flyer on a player. 


    We will see. I say the relationship was sexual and not a coincidence.  Oh wait, what are we talking about? Lol


    Im sure this will be mentioned in an interview with beane at some point. 

  8. 11 minutes ago, Augie said:


    I agree he floats the ball, but who did he have to throw to? And NO, the OLine was NOT good. Josh can rifle the ball, and he got 3 points against mostly scrubs. We suck on offense. Don’t lay it all on Peterman. There’s plenty of blame to go around. 

    Peterman is/was the main cog in the terribleness that took place yesterday. There is no need to deflect blame to others. 


    It was literaly a carbon copy (effort wise) of the chargers game. The rest of the team follows the leadership of the QB. Nate is not a leader...

  9. 4 minutes ago, billieve420 said:


    They were offered something for a QB who wasn’t going to start. They made the correct move and took the deal. McCarron couldn’t beat out Peterman or Allen not sure why people think he would have made any difference out there yesterday.

    Look who was judging them. You trust McD or Beane to find competent talent? 


    Beane just covering his mistakes...

    1 minute ago, Augie said:


    You’re ridiculous assumptions are amusing, but tiring. You say the AJ move and the Coleman move are directly tied. I need to stay staff off of here on days like this. 

    A seventh for a seventh. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the relationship is direct. 


    Its at least logical, I’ll give beane that. 


    Just now, Augie said:


    Respectfully, it is not about THIS year. We got something for AJ where we could not for Nate. It WILL be Allen going forward. The question is when, and we just need to look down the road instead of focusing on the roadkill we all just watched Sunday. It will be Allen, then next year we will find our #2. 

    Beane sacrificed AJ to fix his Coleman mistake and recoup the 7th he wasted by trading for him then cutting him. Just Another bust for beane. 




  11. 1 minute ago, PIZ said:

    Who would you consider a Bills executive?  Someone in the front office or a VP of marketing, or VP of web sales?  If true, the executive could be just about anyone, and may not have any real insider knowledge.

    This is not insider knowledge...this is an opinion of someone who works for the Bills org. And the total disfunction behind doors which is causing extreme frustration.  


    The organziation, just like the team, is in shambles and just getting worse. 

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