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Posts posted by COTC

  1. 3 minutes ago, Radar said:

    Why? Don't like Bills critiqued? I'm interested to hear a guy who's been there giving his opinions. God forbid anyone may be critical of a Bill.

    No, because Romo is an idiot whos over critical of QBs. He thinks he’s special because he has some experience at that position, even though he was often injured and choked when healthy. 


    The guy is annoying, and with a rookie at QB, may be unlistenable. 

    • Sad 2
    • Haha (+1) 1
  2. 2 hours ago, YoloinOhio said:

    This is the most super bowl thing ever. Seems Atlanta should have paid tribute to its R&B/hip hop heritage.

    I’m sure that disgusting excuse for a human being will be there. 


    -Cardi B (Girls Like You)


    She is such a nasty stain. 


    Theres your hip hop moment to ruin the song. 

  3. 36 minutes ago, BuffaloRush said:

    A humorous tweet from Buffalo’s own Greg Gabriel.  For those of you who don’t know, Greg was a college scout in the NFL before he was fired in Chicago.  Hasn’t found a job since but he has many hot takes.  He also was a HUGE Nathan Peterman supporter that has gone radio silent since his....uh....troubling performance in Week 1.


    anyway, Greg is very very outspoken. in this tweet he calls Vontae Davis a loser LOL



    If he was such a loser in Indy. Why did Beane sign him?

  4. 27 minutes ago, Boyst62 said:

    Well, obviously. But, the gall to call the possible place of business without little true evidence, at that, is absurd.


    Captain COTC America thinking he is sane or stable to take this action?


    I would bet upon bets he was recording the call, too. Ya know, got ya moment!!!

    Me in my best Jerky boys impression. 


    “This is Frank Rizzo from News10 NBC, do you have a comment, sweetie cakes?”

    • Haha (+1) 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, Batman1876 said:

    When you do it in steps you get less financial capital in the long run and less draft capital. 

    They've brought in low cost veterans to squeeze under that cap. In 2019 the squeezing is done, they could spend big and still have a huge cap number to roll over for the next year. they have exactly one contract (besides rookie contracts) that carries more cap hit than savings. 

    Yeah. Short term affects are very painful, especially since we made the playoffs last year. 


    If Beane survives this, the next two years are bright. 

  6. 1 minute ago, YoloinOhio said:

    He made one play. One. And didn’t even recover the fumble. No, he didn’t have a good first half. That’s why he went through with the retirement. He even admitted he couldn’t play anymore.

    Oh come on yolo, He played decent and played much better than Gaines. 


    That force fumble hit was nice. 


    Vontae is being PC in his excuse. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, Jauronimo said:

    Vontae Davis has looked incapable of performing at an NFL level for well over a year now.  He got burned early yesterday after being inactive week 1.  He should have retired before September but at least he realized what many of us already saw.  His time was up.


    If the team was performing better maybe Davis stays on the rest of the year as healthy scratch or comes off the bench here and there.  His decision has nothing to do with the team and coaching staff.

    Vontae had a good first half, yesterday. 


    He forced a fumble that should’ve been bills ball. Potentially changing the course of the game. Refs made the wrong call. 


    This is a sign of a major problem.


    A vet, who has a long respected career just doesn’t quit in the middle of the game, without significant reason. 

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