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Everything posted by COTC

  1. No, because Romo is an idiot whos over critical of QBs. He thinks he’s special because he has some experience at that position, even though he was often injured and choked when healthy. The guy is annoying, and with a rookie at QB, may be unlistenable.
  2. Romo is going to criticize the hell out of Allen. It may be worth muting.
  3. We need to get more female members. Are those the only two? This place is a sausage fest.
  4. I’m sure that disgusting excuse for a human being will be there. -Cardi B (Girls Like You) She is such a nasty stain. Theres your hip hop moment to ruin the song.
  5. The culture obviously changed from last year to this year. We’re back to being ?
  6. Reputation of this team is in the gutters. We need leadership to change the course.
  7. I’d be okay with this. Send Beane with him.
  8. No. No more mistake signings.
  9. Matt Moore would make a great backup. Sign him, cut pick6
  10. If he was such a loser in Indy. Why did Beane sign him?
  11. I’m not reporting it to the mods silly. Lol
  12. Me in my best Jerky boys impression. “This is Frank Rizzo from News10 NBC, do you have a comment, sweetie cakes?”
  13. Yeah. This just breeds loser mentality. Sorry I don’t agree with the OP.
  14. I just called the gun business, acting like the media. They have no comment but are aware of the incident.
  15. Haha. Is that McDermotts son?? i see the resemblance. Lol
  16. Reported. Blue Volvo S40. license plate # jbv-747E Black pickup. Interlakken Gun and Ammo 8269 N. Main St. Interlakken, Ny 14847 607-532–4867 Let’s get these thugs off the streets!!
  17. You think all fat people should go to H E double hockey stick? Thats seems rather obtuse.
  18. Yeah. Short term affects are very painful, especially since we made the playoffs last year. If Beane survives this, the next two years are bright.
  19. You can do it steps or all at the same time. Beane likes the “rip the bandaid off” approach.
  20. Oh come on yolo, He played decent and played much better than Gaines. That force fumble hit was nice. Vontae is being PC in his excuse.
  21. Irresponsible decisions by the leader of our team is consequential. The reprecussions ripple through the team like a rock thrown into a calm lake.
  22. Vontae had a good first half, yesterday. He forced a fumble that should’ve been bills ball. Potentially changing the course of the game. Refs made the wrong call. This is a sign of a major problem. A vet, who has a long respected career just doesn’t quit in the middle of the game, without significant reason.
  23. Theres some weird stuff happening in this thread also...members masquerade.
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