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Posts posted by COTC

  1. 48 minutes ago, Bob in STL said:

    OP is overly excited but one game.  


    Great game by Allen. Still a long way to go.  


    An experienced back up that can help the team and help Allen  is STILL, AND WILL ALWAYS BE, a better plan than Nate Peterman as the backup. 


    I hope we we never see Nate again. 




    Now this is a “sane and sighted” post...

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  2. 38 minutes ago, HappyDays said:


    If he had looked bad you'd be saying we should be concerned that he's a bust. Why is it too early? He barely has a couple players around him that would start on other teams and he made the offense happen all on his own. Watch our run game suddenly pick up too because defenses have to keep 2 deep when he's on the field.

    It’s too early because this is only his 2nd game.


    His sample size is too small for us to judge accurately. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, TwistofFate said:



    There really isn't anything to be mistaken about.   Just listen to all of the Bills brass talk about him from the moment they drafted him. 


    Physical talent, physical talent, physical talent, physical tools, protipical qb size, etc. 


    No one talked about his accuracy, timing, anticipation, rhythm, pure pocket passing ability, etc. 


    He was a project with a big arm and physical tools.   So was Ej Manuel.   So was JP Losman.  Where are they? 


    The best Qb we drafted this century was Trent Edwards.   He was NEVER the same after getting laid out in that Arizona game.  But he actually had pocket passing qualities and was much more refined. 


    I'm sick of big armed project passers.   I want polished, refined, with accolades. 


    Allen will flame out, and every excuse will be given from the talent surrounding him to the coaching.  All will have played a role in his failure, except for the fact he wasn't NFL ready and was a project when we drafted him. 


    I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think I am.  We've passed on both Mahomes and Rosen for Allen.  We've seen how Mahomes has looked, and Rosen is right around the corner.  It was a mistake to pass on either one IMO. 


    Time will tell. 



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