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Posts posted by COTC

  1. Just now, teef said:

    but don't you think it's not a great comparison?  

    At the end of the season last year, we were in a similar situation.


    Now, no, not a great comparison. 


    This is a decent read;


  2. 2 hours ago, jrober38 said:

    My thoughts:


    This team is heading in the wrong direction. We value character over talent, and have overhauled the roster too quickly. We jettisoned too much talent just for the sake of changing the culture, and it will take years to replace all the 1st and 2nd round picks from the previous regime who are no longer on the team.


    We lack athleticism in the pass game and truly need to overhaul what we have at WR. Trading a 3rd round pick for Benjamin was a terrible idea, and Zay Jones isn't good enough. His scouting report said he struggled to separate, and that's exactly what his problem has been so far. Beyond them we don't have any NFL calibre talent.


    The QB is a major concern in my eyes. People talk about him developing, but so far he's looked exactly as advertised in his scouting reports. He's big and strong, but aside from a couple plays in the Vikings game it hasn't amounted to much. At this point he's just an athlete trying to learn the QB position and early signs suggest he has minimal feel for the position. He doesn't naturally know to take what the defense gives him, and constantly looks for the big play when it's not there. His ability to read a defense pre and post snap are extremely limited and at some point all the hits are going to take a toll. He needed to sit on the bench all year. 


    The defense has some pieces but also a lot of dead weight. Hard to evaluate them when the offense is constantly putting them in bad spots. 


    Like Josh McDaniels and Chip Kelly before, I think Coach McDermott is trending in that direction. He got rid of too much talent, too quickly, and despite having numerous draft picks over the past few years they foolishly used them in trades negating their value. Edmunds and White look like legit building blocks, but beyond that there's little to get excited about. I don't think Allen is going to make it (most QBs don't), and we legitimately need 8 or 9 new starters on offense next year other than Allen and Dawkins. 


    I'm extremely unimpressed with this regimes ability to evaluate talent. As we heard today they value character over strategy which is a major concern in 2018. Maybe 30 years ago that approach would work, but in the modern NFL all that matters is the Xs and Os and we don't appear to value them. 

    Good post and I agree. 


    Last year, Bills and Titans were in a similar situation, both made playoffs after long droughts. 


    This year, Titans continued to build on that talent pool and they are improving, beat the Eagles and Jags. 


    Bills have done a complete 180. Continue to cut talent leaving holes all over the place. Getting rid of too much talent, too quick. Predictable back fire. 


    Disappointing to say the least. ? 



  3. 1 minute ago, Augie said:


    You are confused. Look up the meaning of the word “agent” and “agency”. The agent works for the player, and gets nothing if the player gets nothing. I won’t continue this since it’s senseless. 

    Richies Agent did not do the deal in good faith. (Key word)


    Agents lose clients all the time and replace them easily. It’s nothing on the agency part. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Augie said:


    Yes, that’s what they pay agents for, to back stab their clients to the point the agent gets zero compensation from the unemployed player. This makes plenty of sense. 

    No, players pay agents to take care of the financial part of their game...


    Not all conduct business in good faith, this is a perfect example. 

  5. ? 


    There are far too many storied, winning franchises with years of history. 


    There needs to be losers to balance it out. 


    This is the Bills. We are and always will be the “losers” of the league. We don’t have a long tenured coach and fo. We don’t have a long history of winning.


    Our history consists of embarrassing, heartbreaking loses. Expecting anything more is unreasonable. 


    Love the losers or jump on a bandwagon of a good team (if you care) 


    but again, this is just some sport to watch and read about. 


    The Bills, priority wise, are nothing in the grand scheme of our lives. 

  6. 13 minutes ago, Wilton Bills said:

    The No Fun League has definitely has made me to not renew my seasons tickets for next year after being a ticket holder for 30 years. I drive 5 hours from Canada to support the Bills and this year has been the worst. Not only do I have to watch incredibly bad officiating against us on the field consistently, but have had to deal with alot of abusive Bills fans slandering us for being Canadian for no reason. It's been fun but time to not come and support my team financially anymore.


    I heard Johnny football had a nice throw for the Allouettes last night. 


    How long is your drive to Montreal??

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