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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. Obviously annoyed by this whole situation and the POS Ruggs. But also the reporting that he suffered “serious injuries”. Am I the only one who doesn’t believe injuries are serious if you get released from the hospital the same day?
  2. It still blows my mind whenever I realize that all time leading scorers are often kickers.
  3. So in the last 7 quarters of football the Chiefs have scored 17 points.
  4. Vrabel is such an idiot. Reporter asks if it’s a wear and tear type thing and Vrabel says “injuries happen for a variety of reasons, I’m not sure why you would think it’s wear and tear.” Sounds to me like someone is getting a little defensive because he knows Henry’s usage is to blame.
  5. Absolutely embarrassing to lose to a backup NFL QB. What would Dak have done against this team?
  6. Shows you that life isn’t all about money. When someone as wealthy as he can be struggling, anyone can.
  7. Even better use of 3rd overall on Zach Wilson.
  8. Tua Blow up? Sure, absolutely possible. But not the way you are thinking. When I hear of a Tua blow up I’m thinking a 5 turnover game. One where his offense scores 0-10 points. I believe that is entirely possible. Tua actually having a good game? Highly unlikely.
  9. He needs to kick them both to the curb. Both would be absolutely nothing without him, yet they try to steal the spot light.
  10. I have pounded the table for San Antonio to have an NFL team for years. I lived in San Antonio for a few years for work. Cannot believe they only have one professional sports team. Huge city, yet lots of available land in the suburbs about 30-40 minutes from the city center. In addition, they have the Alamodome downtown that can hold a team while a new stadium is being constructed. Also only 1 hour south of Austin, so you can pick up some fans from there. I think it makes more sense than Austin as well because it’s farther away from Jerry’s world.
  11. And Geno doesn’t even make it to the first down line on his desperation throw 🤦‍♂️
  12. Baker absolutely looks like he belongs in coaching. I thought he fit in real well on the sideline.
  13. Horrendous roughing the passer on Houston there. Murray is ducking. Just because it’s ugly doesn’t mean it’s illegal.
  14. That was a very big man hitting directly to Mahomes head.
  15. So true. Just a terrible game. It never felt as close as this score indicates either.
  16. Love the announcers slobbering over the Browns third string running back. If all three backs are pretty good, do you think it maybe has something to do with the offensive line/scheme?
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