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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. Atlanta is just a bad football team. No redeeming qualities so far in this one for Atlanta.
  2. Bills lost to the Jags, Titans lost to the Jets, Ravens lost to the Dolphins, Bucs lost to the Football Team, Rams lost to the 49ers. My feeling is, I don’t know what to feel anymore about this league. Truly any given Sunday.
  3. Yeah; don’t really get this at all. This isn’t stock in any sense of the word. Just donate $300 to charity and at least get some type of deduction for it. Honestly not sure why the Packers don’t catch more flack for this scam. Basically a very wealthy entity asking for free money. What I can’t understand is, if the Packers make a ton of money as an nfl franchise, and they are a not for profit, where does all their money go? Surely someone is getting rich and it isn’t the “stock holders”.
  4. Why did desean Jackson look so lost that he actually caught a ball.
  5. I just turned it off. Completely boring. Raiders didn’t come out to be competitive tonight.
  6. Oh my mistake 😂. In the meantime the Raiders had their very nice 37 second possession. Just putting up no fight.
  7. So, you think the Raiders are playing well?
  8. 😂 I was thinking the same thing. He sure is a chubby one.
  9. Raiders are playing horrible. Making every mistake. Offense looks terrible, defense looks terrible.
  10. I’m pretty indifferent about all of them honestly. Reasons in regards to the rather not list: 1. Still a rookie QB, no matter who is coaching him. This guy isn’t throwing for 300 yards per game, he’s doing just enough. Against a top offense in the league, I don’t think that’s going to work. 2. This same coaching staff completely shut down Lamar last post season, I have confidence they can do it again. 3. Agreed, I think they have underperformed to this point. 4. I don’t have any faith in Tannehill to carry that team to a tough victory.
  11. Raiders get super lucky there on that blocked punt.
  12. Here comes Colinsworth to the Mahomes defense. and Such great tackling there by the Raiders.
  13. This is actually crazy enough to work. The ball can be spotted by putting a microchip in the ball. Then the game can be officiated via video. Just need one or two officials on the field to spot the ball.
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