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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. This game shouldn’t even be close. I have a feeling not sealing this in the first half is really going to bite Green Bay in the ass.
  2. Defensive Game plan=Hope the offense scores more than the other guys.
  3. May all the strength be with Rams fans. Who have to listen to a broadcast of Collinsworth drooling over Brady.
  4. I agree with all pro voting. Pro bowl, eh, couldn’t care less. Honestly shocked anyone watches it at all. Not sure how the players feel about it, but I’d think a lot of them view it as the joke it is.
  5. They have a chance, but Tampa will be favored and rightfully so. Stafford hasn’t exactly lit up good teams this season.
  6. “Super” wild card weekend was incredibly boring. I expect far more next week.
  7. He doesn’t suck, but I also don’t believe he’s the Rams savior that so many talking heads were making him out to he. He didn’t lead the league in INTs this season on accident. He’s an above average QB who, IMO, benefited from being on a terrible Detroit team. Gave him a bit more attention than he’s probably deserving.
  8. Agreed. The Tampa, Chiefs and Rams games have been incredibly boring. I’ve turned them all off by halftime.
  9. Hoping the Cardinals beat up on the Rams. Would love to see them have a first round exit after giving up two firsts for Stafford.
  10. Put down the Patriots, Chiefs and then Bucs all in one off season. Sign me up for the super bowl champion Bills. I don’t see much this season that shows Mahomes is better than Allen. I don’t think it’s all that close currently.
  11. To me, this is the AFC championship game. Whoever wins should be favorites heading into the next game. These two teams are currently the cream of the AFC IMO.
  12. Still better than Colinsworth. They could just play the constant sound of nails on a chalkboard and I’d take it over another Colinsworth Mahomes game.
  13. Allen is no Big Ben, but I think the Bills will manage. Ben is laughable as a QB now.
  14. When does the schedule get released? Really don’t want to wait until tomorrow night.
  15. Pitt had absolutely no business being in the playoffs. Absolutely pathetic showing. Anyone know when they usually released next weeks schedule? ReallY don’t want to wait until tomorrow night.
  16. Chiefs are in for a rude awakening next week. Josh Allen isn’t going to throw for 30 yards in a half. Their first round bye this week is going to seem like a distant memory.
  17. I know they won’t let Ben go out like that. But they should start Mason in the second half.
  18. A date with the best QB in the league awaits this trash team if they can beat Pitt. They aren’t scary at all. Bring it on.
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