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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. I find a lot of the news coming out to be pretty difficult to believe. It seems most of the news we are seeing is coming from extremely pro-Ukrainian sources, so I’m taking most of it with a giant grain of salt. Some of it is just too hard to believe, like the reports of Russian soldiers sabotaging their tanks so they don’t have to fight.
  2. Isn’t this bad for Ukraine though? They really want the soldiers from an army that outnumbers them ten to one fighting HARDER?
  3. I saw a poll today where 78% of speech watchers approved. I was wondering what speech they are watching. Biden is the worst public speaker I’ve seen. He instills absolutely zero confidence. In addition to that, every big point he wants to do will never make it through Congress. In addition to that he so blatantly tries to come back to the middle after veering too far left and impacting his poll numbers. It was an uninspiring and unimpressive speech.
  4. I noticed this too and thought it was super odd. But then again, Pelosi is just odd in general.
  5. Really shouldn’t surprise anyone. He’s always been like that. His entire political career is littered with a track record of swaying whichever way the wind blows.
  6. Did Biden really mention “fund the police” and “secure our border” in the same speech? What kind of twilight zone is this.
  7. He’s the walking visualization of “meh”. Guy looks like he has the personality of a wet mop.
  8. He really loves to bring up those dirty ol meat packers. I’m also listening and saying out loud “he will never be able to push that through both the house and the senate” My favorite Pelosi moment is when she announced she was seeking re-election… for the children.
  9. Biden says to lower costs to fight inflation. BRILLIANT. I’m sure all these CEO’s haven’t thought of lowering their costs to increase profit. Biden should be a CEO.
  10. Pelosi is exhibit A and right behind him. That family has had a lot of perfectly timed investments.
  11. I still can’t get over how Trump was ridiculed for America First, buy American goods and keep manufacturing here. Yet Biden expects his base to eat it up.
  12. I forgot how annoying these things are. With applause and a standing ovation every 10 seconds. Makes a 20 minute speech take an hour.
  13. How many speaking blunders should we expect to see from an hour long Biden speech?
  14. Impossible to get accurate information. It’s all propaganda from one side or the other right now.
  15. At least they have the meats Completely random thought, but years ago when Burger King bought Tim Hortons my first thought was “how?” I just assumed Tim Hortons was worth more. Goes to show how many times I’ve ever been to Burger King. I don’t think I even know anyone who has ever ate there. Always wonder how they survive.
  16. I’m like Taylor Swift when it comes to this game. We are never, ever getting back together.
  17. This type of thing worries me. IMO, It’s a delicate balance between punishing and over punishing. Generally, in order to get public support behind a fanatical leader there has to be widespread suffering. These sanctions may create that amongst the Russian people. Depending on how Russian propaganda can spin it, this could lead to Putin being emboldened within his own nation. Which could, in turn, embolden him to push for more land. Or it could end up in Putin being pushed out of power.
  18. Im not sure they ever had bomber capability. A quick looks shows their Air Force is (was?) almost entirely SU-27 and Mig-29's. The SU-27's seem to be exclusively air to air combat. The Mig-29's can be converted to have air to surface capability, but I doubt Ukraine was spending much money on their military weapons conversions.
  19. I’m finding it’s very tough to find any accurate casualty figures. If that 4,000 Russian figure is accurate I can’t imagine the Ukrainian losses. The only figures I can seem to find are civilian Ukrainian casualty figures.
  20. Anyone else think while watching this guy that he should be the president instead of someone with the communication skills of Biden. This guy explained things 100x better than Biden could dream of, and he didn’t even have a teleprompter.
  21. The stadium should be built in Batavia then. Close enough to Buffalo and Rochester.
  22. I’m sure the players are completely supportive of living in a college dorm rather than their giant houses 🙄 I’d like to see the numbers, but I have a hard time believing they pick up many(any?) new fans by holding training camp at SJF. How many non-football fans would actually find training camp interesting. I’m a huge football fan and even I find most of it to be pretty boring.
  23. IMO there is almost no world in which Ukraine could hold off Russia. Ukraine has no Air Force left (out of the minuscule outdated one they began with), they have no navy, and they don’t even have the numbers. It would be the largest military upset in history. If you compare it to anything, maybe Vietnam and their victory. But they had a massive territory advantage and a near unlimited supply of manpower. Ukraine has neither of these. To win this war Ukraine would need weapons, likely more than NATO could even ship in. They would need tanks, which they wouldn’t be trained to operate. And they would need planes, which they aren’t trained to fly and no longer control the airfields to fly out of. It’s a dire situation to say the least.
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