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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. Why would anyone ever take this type of loan? It’s literally gambling. IMO it isn’t a very good gamble either. I think it’s far more likely interest rates keep rising than going back to 3%. I’d rather lock in at 5%, know what I have, and then refinance if rates drop. Come to think of it, why wouldn’t people just do that versus taking an ARM mortgage? WNY area is no better. At least it wasn’t last year. 20-25% over ask was the norm for any decent property.
  2. I find myself really disliking Kim and Jimmy. In addition, I know it’s a TV show, but it’s completely unrealistic that Jimmy would run into this judge in some random liquor store.
  3. Have to feed the industrial war machine. It’s hungry for more profit after the Afghanistan exit.
  4. They will stay. They are mostly independently owned. This move by McDonalds is almost entirely symbolic.
  5. The only way I’ll ever watch that game or highlights of that game is if the Bills win the super bowl. Then maybe I can go back to that as a “building moment”.
  6. Not sure your familiar with the process to buy a pistol in New York, but it’s completely different than buying a rifle. The rifle purchase requires an instant background check through the federal database (like how this guy purchased his rifle). It’s rife with holes and isn’t very thorough. The pistol permit process is extensive. It takes about a year of interviews and background checks in Erie county to finally get one. In the end your entire file with interviews, reference checks, and background investigation goes to a judge who has to sign off on your file. I’m advocating for every rifle to have that same process. Of course New York’s pistol permit process is under fire and probably 50/50 to get overturned in the Supreme Court anyways. Which is why it probably would never fly. Most states you walk in to buy a pistol and it’s the same as buying a rifle (instant background check).
  7. I thought for the longest time that the process to buy a gun was similar to the NY Pistol permit process. Fill out an application, get a background check, references check, and an interview with local law enforcement. Then if you are deemed fit, you get the permit and pick up the gun. Perhaps this wouldn’t be a bad idea? Probably no way it ever passes though.
  8. Which makes it obvious he targeted Buffalo for some reason that will hopefully come out. Syracuse is 1 hour away from Conklin, Buffalo is like 3.5 hours.
  9. Cases like this are exactly why I wish there was some type of streamlined death penalty for certain situations. Even if the feds get him sentenced to death, it’ll be 20+ years before he’s finally executed. Even though this case is as cut and dry as possible. He did it, without a doubt.
  10. NFL really knows how to drag out everything. 3 hours for a schedule release? Thankfully it all leaks beforehand.
  11. I guess I never watched a schedule release show (I won’t watch much of this one either). Didn’t know they invited the super bowl QB.
  12. How about to get a box of formula instead…
  13. So much this. Seattle has absolutely zero intrigue for me. They are going to be a tire fire IMO. Metcalf is wise to demand an extension now. Because his numbers are going to be garbage with QB of the week throwing to him.
  14. My least favorite breaking bad episode lol. Apparently I’m no TV critic because I know a lot of people love it. All I remember from that episode is “spillage”. Seeing how absolutely terrible Hector is in BCS actually makes me a bit disappointed that he gets revenge in BB.
  15. Is it just me or did they make Werner’s wife a little out of his league.
  16. Fox is horrible anyways. Always hate when any game is on fox.
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