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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. Neither of those teams have strong WR groups, at all. It’s not even close.
  2. Came here to post this. At least I can pronounce Highmark.
  3. Another place I used to go to and now won’t step foot at. Overpriced, overcrowded, over-commercialized. Used to be great, but it did not age well as it’s popularity increased. I also stopped going to Italian fest when they moved it off Hertel. I believe it’s back at Hertel now? I’d imagine taste of Buffalo could find a venue where they could spread out and still not charge a cover. Charging to charge just doesn’t seem like a good business model. Why would I pay you to get into somewhere where I then have to pay for everything.
  4. Maybe they could spread it out a little more then. Get a larger location than a street. Might help with the cramped and crowded feeling.
  5. I won’t go anymore. Used to love going 5+ years ago. But it’s gotten way too large and packed. When I can barely move it takes most of the enjoyment out of it. They probably need to add an extra day or two. Do a Thursday-Sunday.
  6. My favorite (which was also the last straw for me) was when they told me I’d get Sunday ticket for free and then charged me for it and wouldn’t credit it or give it for free. At that point, I was done.
  7. Where’s Von Miller in the poll! Of the options, I voted ALLEN and Diggs. But would have also voted Miller.
  8. I’d support Dan Abrams, as long as he campaigns to bring back Live PD
  9. Maybe I don’t understand what this committee is supposed to be doing. But their star witness yesterday, isn’t her testimony the definition of hearsay? Which is not admissible in court?
  10. With no Watson and no Baker the Browns have no NFL quality QB. The Texans are going to get some premium draft choices.
  11. They gave up assets of incredibly significant value. You don’t give that up on the hope that the QB you traded for Will play for your team at some point in the future (maybe). You give that up and expect him to play immediately. Browns gonna Brown as they say.
  12. Hopefully he doesn’t follow the Brady playbook of retirements.
  13. Unrelated, but curious. I cancelled Buffalo news a few years ago. What’s the going rate these days for home delivery?
  14. Love Peter Doocy calling them out and hearing the same garbage repeated time and time again. “Pandemic, Putin Price Hike”.
  15. Ah, another 1 billion to Ukraine. I guess Biden is content to just continue writing them a blank check. I’m fine with selling them weapons. But giving them handouts has to stop sometime, right?
  16. Will Biden still tout the “Fastest growing economy in the world”
  17. All this data is just completely incompatible with anything but a recession. It’s coming, and fast.
  18. I can’t even fill my vehicle anymore. At least not at any gas station I’ve been to. It’s 26 gallons and well over $100. Takes two transactions if I want to actually fill it. I usually just give up after the first $100.
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