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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. Garbage offense by the Packers. Had around 8 shots at the end zone and couldn’t convert.
  2. This tremendously speeds up the game as well. However, as another posted mentioned, that’s not exactly what the NFL wants since they want to squeeze every second of commercial time into the product that they can.
  3. I am a bit surprised there hasn't been any talk of a new arena. KeyBank Center is in rough shape.
  4. Cardinals aren’t an easy out. This is a possible loss for sure. Cardinals had a ton of fight last year once Murray got back, and they added the most talented player in the draft. I expect a Bills victory in a close fashion.
  5. And drop a pass in a crucial moment.
  6. In recent memory, these disputes almost always get settled prior to the first NFL game. There’s a reason they pull the plug just prior to the season, it gives them the most negotiating power. Directv knows they really don’t have an option to allow ESPN to stay dark for more than 5 more days.
  7. Me looking at the comments in this thread I don’t understand. Are you implying that if he was drafted by Buffalo he somehow still would have been shot?
  8. He is implying that since California is soft on crime that the possibility of the criminal facing a stiff sentence is slim. Hoping for a full recovery for Pearsall. What an awful set of circumstances. Waiting for the update on his condition. Hopefully a good one.
  9. Why make something I’m just going to mess again in 16 hours? If I have company over I’ll shut the bedroom door, they don’t need to be in there anyways.
  10. Something tells me this drunk isn’t going to get the Dr Corsanti treatment.
  11. To a certain extent, this happens outside of sports as well. Business execs come to mind. I’d imagine high level doctors and very successful trial attorneys also have a tremendous amount of negotiating power.
  12. This FTW, can’t beat $125 for Sunday Ticket. I’m doing the same.
  13. Ahh the days of being so bad that you could get 5+ guys from other teams cut list and they go right onto your 53 man roster.
  14. Sounds like when you wanted to play in the MAC, but you ordered it off TEMU or Wish.
  15. I like this idea. Because both sides of the aisle have been putting up absolute bottom barrel candidates for years. Trump, Hillary, Biden, Harris. Not to mention the absolute dinosaurs Pelosi and McConnell. All pure trash that shouldn’t be running a kennel, nevertheless a country. What we really need is a viable third party. But if it hasn’t happened in the past 8 years, it is never happening.
  16. I’d say this is quite the modest stadium by NFL standards. They couldn’t have gone much cheaper.
  17. I haven’t read up on this, but how would it even work? Do you just report your gains/losses every year? What if I get taxed on unrealized gains this year and the investment turns into an unrealized loss the next year, do they refund the money? I’m in the camp that the tax code needs to be simplified more than it needs to be made more complex.
  18. On the bright side, those of us who have already purchased homes should see inflated home valuations out of this. They aren’t ever going to fix the supply side, and they are just increasing the demand side.
  19. It’s not just her. It’s the same as Biden, Trump, McConnell, anyone. These guys have been in politics for 20+ years and then suddenly they are going to fix some major issue. The only amazing part is that people fall for it.
  20. If Harris can magically fix housing if elected, why hasn’t she in the past 3.5 years?
  21. Anybody know what seats in these clubs sell for?
  22. Time to get on the phone and revisit a Devante Adams trade.
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