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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. Not as much as his smugness, duck walking, or half hand “come here” gesture he does every play.
  2. Raiders gonna raider. Sorry guys. McDaniels is going to fail this time around just like his first go. Derek Carr is mediocrity at the position.
  3. Might need to edit my previous statement. I thought he’d be a lot more expensive than this.
  4. I love this explanation. “Unnecessarily throwing him to the ground.” If Boger didn’t want Tom thrown the ground, maybe he should have blown the whistle as soon as he was contacted? You can’t have it both ways. Can’t call a penalty on it and not have a quick whistle.
  5. Even with the timeouts. It doesn’t look like any time will be left for cincy here. Baltimore will be able to run it to nothing.
  6. Looks like a penalty on the defense for too many men. It was not well explained by the officials or announcers.
  7. Does Cincy start taking their timeouts now
  8. I think that’s a pretty stupid rule. Because, as Colinsworth just said, if that isn’t over that post, then it’s “doinking” and it’s going to be no good.
  9. Because the NFL told Tirico to say that 😂. Have to toe the party line
  10. Does the NFL just not have a “helping the runner” rule anymore? It’s usually obvious, but goodness the Bengals just liked the guy up behind Burrow and shoved him immediately.
  11. Love seeing McVay and Kingsbury falling flat on their faces this season.
  12. I don’t see why you don’t kick the field goal there. Doesn’t seem like a very good decision at this point.
  13. I don’t believe a passer has that protection in the NFL. Need to be the one who took the snap.
  14. Everyone’s seen the “Philly special” now, it isn’t fooling anyone.
  15. He has average QB potential IMO, 12-18 ranking. His passes seem to lack any zip at all. Seem like they float.
  16. They were, with Gettlemen. He’s long gone now and I’d say Giants fans want to forget he ever existed. Awful GM
  17. I’m going to need Allen to calm down in the second half. He’s smoking me in fantasy 😆
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