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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. I actually think Ben DeNucci might be… and your point still stands 😆
  2. How are they even getting there? Isn’t the Buffalo Airport closed and buried under 20 inches of snow and counting? Do they plan to bus to Rochester and fly from there?
  3. Where is this posted? Their Facebook page doesn’t have anything updated.
  4. The government. Why would they be in it to make a profit? If the government wants to hawk college as affordable for everyone, it makes sense. If you have an $80,000 student loan balance at 7% your monthly payment in the beginning is nearly 75% interest. And they wonder why we got into the situation we are currently in. If you lose your job and go into forbearance for a year your balance is $7000 more than when you left.
  5. I’ve always thought the best solution is to set the interest rate to 0% permanently. I believe this would be entirely within the presidents power. I also don’t see how a lawsuit could be brought against it, since the government isn’t actually giving out any money in that case. It ensures borrowers pay back what they borrowed, but actually makes it possible by forgoing to absurd interest that is paid each month.
  6. I just cannot find a way this game goes to the Bills if Allen doesn't play. Keenum is a JAG at QB and the defense is banged up. The Bills also have very little running game to speak of, so we can't fall back on that. Hope I am wrong on Sunday as I will be watching as always!
  7. Easily two of the worst teams in the league. Surprised someone is still playing Pitts. He was long ago dropped in my league
  8. You could add every QB on both these rosters together and still not make a competent one. Atlanta “hey, we started passing last drive and it led to a quick TD”. Arthur Smith “we must run the ball”.
  9. Passed on Chase, Waddle, Surtain, and Parsons. But not really a world beating first round in 2021 anyways. So if there’s a year to miss I guess that was the one.
  10. Does Kyle Pitts exist? What a horrendous use of a top 5 pick.
  11. You can’t trot Mariota out another game. This has to be his last as a starter.
  12. I honestly don’t know how they could have hand picked much worse games each week.
  13. These teams are way too run dependent to make for an interesting football game.
  14. Precisely. But “prison labor” just doesn’t have the same sensationalized ring as “slavery”, so they certainly can’t call it that!
  15. Will this guy ever go away? I just hope last nights Republican performance dissuades him from running again. Luckily, I don't think he would win the primary against DeSantis anyways. But best if he just chooses not to try.
  16. Zeldin had quite the impressive performance for competing in an extremely deep blue bastion. 52% to 48% is an exceptional showing. Really pushed Hochul everywhere but NYC (outside of Long Island). Erie county broke for Hochul by the slimmest of margins, 50.13 to 49.87. If the state wasn't drug down by NYC it would have been a decisive victory for Zeldin. It is just next to impossible to win a governorship in modern day NY as a Republican.
  17. I’d sign him to the practice squad absolutely. Our safety depth could use someone. Even someone terrible in coverage.
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