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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. I don’t know if the Raiders win this one. But I definitely like them to keep it close. That 9.5 line is a bit insane to me. Go Raiders!
  2. Well, that best was significantly better than Carr has been. So if he plays even close to his best, it’s an upgrade over Carr.
  3. Only thing I hate about Buffalo is that it’s in New York State.
  4. As frustrating as it is, this has been the formula multiple times this season.
  5. For a playoff run, I’d absolutely bring him in
  6. A watermelon farmer who had to recruit himself into a division 1 college suffers from affluenza? Wut?
  7. I agree. A tie was a bad result for both teams. I would have rather forfeited to Cinci so at least one of us would have been helped.
  8. If they want to accept the 3rd seed I’m ok with it if they only play practice squad level players in the game Sunday against the Patriots, effectively giving themselves a bye week. And I only make that choice if the Raiders lose to the Chiefs.
  9. Don’t like it at all, stupid. Gives Chiefs the bye week and takes away home field that they had a chance of not having anyways. Was better to make them choose between home field or a bye week, with the 2 seed getting the other option.
  10. Throw it away. Smash it, do whatever needs to be done. But whatever you do, get a new bottle.
  11. I’d love to see it. I’m sure the NFL would too. More revenue for them.
  12. They could really win me over as a fan if they come out and say they don’t deserve the 1 seed and will forfeit their game against Vegas. They literally do though. It might as well be a loss. It will cost them the one seed provided KC takes care of Vegas like we all expect. The same scenario needs to happen as if the bengals game was a loss.
  13. Well, they had a real good chance at having the AFCCG at home rather than a neutral site
  14. I also think this would be short sighted by the dolphins. But I also didn’t think Flores should have been fired. Miami seems to have a recent history of letting go of above average-good coaches.
  15. Oops, that’s what I meant to put too. Guess my fingers wanted to type something different.
  16. I’m sure there are many layers to this, but the NFL is a multi-billion dollar corporation with thousands of employees. How have they not released what the plan is here? At a minimum, they need to suspend week 18 while they develop their plan. How do you expect the Bills, Bengals, Ravens, Chiefs, etc to play without even knowing what they are playing for. Doesn’t make any sense to continue with week 18 just to continue to fly by the seat of their pants.
  17. Came here to post this. Never had any remote success, yet somehow keeps getting backup opportunities.
  18. Again, if this happens, why wouldn’t the Bills turn around and say “then we forfeit against NE”. Who cares if you get the 2 or 3 seed, take the extra week or rest.
  19. This is what I meant to post. Forfeit with both teams getting the victory. Just edited my original post.
  20. How about a double forfeit; with both teams winning. I’ve seen the forfeit scenario thrown around where you punish the forfeiting team, so why isn’t a scenario where you reward them equally as plausible? If you are going to do anything to either of these teams, impact them positively, not negatively.
  21. I just can’t see how the NFL could justify this. Unprecedented, of course it is, but the solution can’t be to punish the two teams who played the game and hand KC an even easier path. I cannot see the NFL execs thinking this is a good way to go. If I’m the Bills and they want to do this then I absolutely tell them I’m forfeiting the Patriots game then and they can explain to everyone why the Pitt and Dolphins games no longer matter.
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