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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. Yikes. There’s no coming back from this one. 17-0 in the first quarter. 3 INTS, you don’t mentally come back from that.
  2. And after. Complains all the way to the huddle.
  3. Did I head that right. The Seahawks have Michael Jackson and Kobe Bryant? Lol
  4. I’m hoping they can rest the starters for the second half. Anything less than a dismantling would be disappointing in this one.
  5. I’m just confused as to why Biden’s lawyers are searching his house? Lol. If you are my attorney and you are searching my house then you are fired.
  6. I’d more than welcome a completely average version of Tom Brady into this division.
  7. I don’t think you’ll get a bi-partisan agreement on much when it comes to spending money.
  8. Therein lies my main gripe with the cancellation of the student loans. I’m not against it, but I am against it without addressing the actual problem. Can’t put a band aid on a bullet hole and expect life to continue as usual.
  9. I think the odds would actually be greater of getting struck by lightning on the way to the store and then again the next day, than winning that jackpot.
  10. No idea why it’s allowed. Just wait until the season is over to start interviewing coaches. Why make playoff teams deal with an added distraction. If I was a playoff team I’d deny every request. If they really want the guy they can interview him after we are eliminated or win the Super Bowl.
  11. If you are the Ravens, how did a player representing himself take you to the cleaners. Before this year I was in the “let him walk”camp. But this year, this defense was visibly worse without him. Hopefully they can work something out.
  12. Just started watching Tulsa King on Paramount+. I’m hooked. Super entertaining so far 4 episodes in.
  13. Absolutely. Shouldn’t even be a question. Request denied. Wait another couple of weeks.
  14. Not sure why they played all these guys when they were already locked into the 5 seed.
  15. If the NFL wanted to proceed this way, the Chiefs should have randomly had one of their games excluded. Draw a number 1-16, that week doesn’t count for the Chiefs.
  16. This play didn’t even count. It’s like showing a highlight of a dunk in basketball where the player hits the rim.
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