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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. This is concerning. Imagine the production the US would go through if we ever got involved in a war against a competent enemy? We probably need a 40 year stock pile.
  2. The Beatles. The type of music they were making in the 60’s was simply mind blowing. The musical experimentation and their hits. Unrivaled and always will be.
  3. I saw this story yesterday. But it also seems that no one has corroborated the story except, Carole Baskin herself.
  4. This would be a very good hire for Arizona. Unfortunately he will be tethered to Kyler Murray and his boat anchor of a contract though.
  5. Not a fan, but they weren’t going to avoid it forever.
  6. Every time they show a Green Bay home game I’m always impressed by the “title town” they have built up right next to the stadium. Would love to see something like that here. It isn’t like Green Bay has a humongous population. If they can support it, so could Buffalo.
  7. Or Kingsbury, would just have to send a missionary group to Thailand to find him deep in the jungle and bring him back.
  8. Yes please! Then we just need Brady in Miami.
  9. My rankings would be 1.Daboll 2.Peterson 3.Campbell 4. Tomlin
  10. It’s absolutely Brady who is washed, not Godwin and Evans.
  11. This dinosaur is dying a slow death. There’s no profit left to squeeze out of that stone.
  12. Omg I didn’t even see this. He’s out there playing soccer. Excellent form for a sliding tackle
  13. Never knew this. Figured by the time they got there it would be time to leave!
  14. I’m not sure it’s so much the players as it would be the coaches. Dorsey probably doesn’t go anywhere, so he has 15 minutes up in the booth where he isn’t calling plays. That’s 15 minutes he can take to actually think, as I imagine there isn’t much time for that during the 1st and 2nd quarters.
  15. I feel like the line is a little too favorable to Buffalo. Hopefully they are right, but I see this one as a one point margin of victory slugfest.
  16. Tampa is that bad. Lucky to be 8-9. Brady has been awful most of the year. Just no business being in the playoffs.
  17. Even if down, that personal foul will count. So it’s going to be a long yardage situation to go.
  18. This is what happens when you let in an 8-9 team
  19. What is that stupid snot celebration that everyone does? Where the heck did that come from.
  20. I believe they will be rocked next week against the 49ers. Should be a good one. They got lucky to play a completely washed up offense in Tampa.
  21. That “80 for Brady” movie looks like the dumbest movie ever. I can’t wait to see how it does at the box office.
  22. Neither of these teams are any good at all
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