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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. And not even cover the spread
  2. Maybe they will take Bodine back
  3. This game makes me wonder if perhaps the Buffalo defense is even worse than I thought it was ?
  4. Talking about Buffalo so much he said Buffalo when he meant Baltimore
  5. Would love to know what the DJ said to overrule the incomplete call.
  6. Good drinking game, see how many times the announcers mention how well the ravens did against Buffalo.
  7. Boller may have had a cannon, but his accuracy makes Allen’s accuracy look like Aaron Rodgers. Boller was a career 47% college passer. Boller had a year in college where he completed at a 38.6%. He actually increases that by 10% in the NFL. If Allen increases his accuracy by only half of what Boller did, he will be very good.
  8. If anyone wants one of these, Identityink has been selling them for months. I have almost purchased it a few times. https://www.identityink.com/product/dont-call-me-picasso/
  9. That’s a roughing the passer call ?‍♂️
  10. Challenging seems a bit pointless here to gain 4 yards
  11. Tried to call again. Best offer was $12 off per month of Sunday Ticket. They are just unwilling to play ball this year. Will be cancelling next week once my bill skyrockets as I have a bunch of credits falling off. Now to figure out which of the streaming options are the best.
  12. I have been following this forum religiously for the better part of two years. Finally created an account. My first post is to share my, so far, unfruitful experience with DIRECTV. Called back in early July for the first time. Went great, said I was considering cancelling because Spectrum has a good streaming offer coming up (no they don’t). CSR had no trouble giving me the NFL Sunday Ticket for free, but she couldn’t give the max package for free. The max package upgrade was going to be 17.99 a month and she gave me a $30 monthly credit to compensate for it. Awesome, so all in all my bill was to decrease by $12 a month and I had the Sunday Ticket Max package. Not so simple. On my next bill I was being charged full price for the max package, 65.99 a month I believe. To make matters worse, I was also being charged the 17.99 monthly upgrade fee. Called in and all the CSR could do was cancel the Sunday Ticket and have it refunded. Also, since the $30 credit was applied they couldn’t even up it to a $60 credit because my promotion credit slot was taken up. No idea if there is any truth to this or if he was just blowing smoke. Moral of this call, always get the reps name, the date and time of the call, and a confirmation number. Since then I have called twice in August and been offered pretty much nothing. $5 auto pay credit, free movie channels for 6 months, and free rest of the season for MLB extra innnings. I declined all these offers. Hoping to have more luck on the first Sunday of the NFL season. I am with you Ned. Been on and off for DIRECTV for the past 15 years but always because I couldn’t have them where I had moved. Have loved the service this time around, but their customer service has absolutely tanked since ATT acquired them. I have been actively researching online streaming plans in case DIRECTV does not budge on the Sunday Ticket price.
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