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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. Stupid idea. Why would it ever make sense to have two prime time games on at the same time? Do one at 6:15 and one at 8:15. Or 7 and 9. Stagger by a minimum of an hour, ideally two hours. Not sure what they were trying to experiment here? They are just cannibalizing their own viewership.
  2. The ref was going to run the clock and suddenly decided to stop.
  3. If any part of you is in the neutral zone, you are offside. The center is the only person allowed to be in the neutral zone, which is an imaginary strip the width of the ball and extending from sideline to sideline. The exact definition, from the NFL rule book, is: SECTION 20 - OFFSIDE A player is Offside when any part of his body or his person is in the Neutral Zone, or is beyond his free kick line, or fair catch kick line when the ball is put in play, unless he is a holder of a placekick for a free kick (6-1-3-b-1) or fair catch kick (11-4-3), or a kicker (6-1-3-b-2). The snapper is offside if any part of his body is beyond the neutral zone. The kicker is not offside unless his kicking foot is beyond his Restraining Line when the ball is kicked.
  4. Interesting resume this guy put together. How do you go from NFL to two relatively big time schools in UCF and LSU to…. UB? I expected to see some local connection but it looks like he was born in Virginia.
  5. Don’t really understand why Mahomes was going off on the officials when he should have been going off on Toney? Guy is a world class idiot. Easier target I guess?
  6. Doesn’t this BS review end with a 10 second run off too?
  7. Something is up with Diggs. He’s gotta go this offseason. Trade him, draft a WR in round 1.
  8. I absolutely hate the holding call on the defense in a run play. So dumb.
  9. I have YouTube tv out of WNY and had to suffer through the entire Cleveland Jacksonville game.
  10. Came here to say this! I can’t even get it on Sunday ticket because it says the game is on my local station. But my local CBS has Cleveland Jacksonville.
  11. Been saying this from the beginning. Ukraine is not suddenly the glowing beacon of Democracy just because they are fighting Russia. Ukraine is equally corrupt. We shouldn’t be backing either of these countries in this fight.
  12. I’d love to see them try to block pretty much any countries ships with their mighty navy. It consists of 2 corvettes and about 20 coastal torpedo boats. Not going to find any large nation with a navy that weak.
  13. Bryce Young is just awful. I’ve seen absolutely nothing in His play so far to make me think he will amount to anything.
  14. What do the Bengals do with Browning this off season? I’d imagine he could fetch a ransom.
  15. A few things about this very unique case though. 1) in this situation wouldn’t Carr be the defender? His team no longer has possession of the ball. 2) if they really wanted to penalize, it should have been Chiefs ball with a 15 yard personal foul penalty occurring post change of possession, IMO.
  16. But he has the ball prior to that happening. Without the fumble, maybe? But once he has the ball this is Carr tackling him, not the other way around. In that case, how can he get a roughing the passer penalty by being tackled?
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