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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. I know he says that’s not how he got that nickname, but that’s exactly what everyone will think of (myself included) when a QB is nicknamed duck.
  2. 1PM Sunday is my preference. Just works so well. That being said, get used to primetime. There is no chance they don’t get a healthy dose of primetime next year. After their record this season, likely playoffs, young QB, and ratings they put up during Thanksgiving.
  3. Do the Patriots clinch the division with this win? I thought that if they lose to the Bills and Dolphins the Bills would get the division. But thought I heard the announcers say they will clinch the division flag?
  4. Good job Dalton. Single handily killed the game in back to back drives.
  5. I don’t see much chance that the Patriots aren’t one and done this year in the playoffs. They are toast. The defense isn’t the god that the media was playing it up to be, running game is average, Brady’s arm is shot. Not a winning recipe anymore.
  6. THE BENAGALS DL WAS LITERALLY BEAR HUGGED 62 for the Patriots arms fully wrapped on 99 of the Bengals
  7. I don’t think there is a more punchable face in the NFL than Julian Edelman.
  8. Hahaha. I’d love to see his grades if he is actually treated like any other student. Brown is massively illiterate. Most of the time I can’t understand what he is writing. AB to English translation dictionary is required.
  9. Too bad the Seneca sports book just opened today ?. Definitely would have jumped on that bet.
  10. This would make for must see TV next weekend providing the Bills can handle the Steelers. I’ll be anxiously watching that 1PM Pats Bengals game. Any given Sunday.
  11. It’s just poor coaching IMO. This game is so far out of reach. Even if the injury risk is low, shouldn’t be taking that chance. If he goes down your season is done.
  12. Remember the first game of the season when Mosley was on John Brown ?. Seems to be a Gregg Williams specialty.
  13. There is never, ever a 0% chance of victory in an NFL football game. Absolutely never. If you want to go on the extreme low end of odds, the Bengals have about a 20% chance of beating the Pats and the Dolphins have a similar chance.
  14. If you want to fake a knee fine. But then you also can’t complain when you start getting blown up while in the kneel down formation.
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