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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. Very well could be. That’s my major knock on McDermott. This nfl is not made for conservative coaches.
  2. You look at that man (big Ben) and that’s a man that looks completely done with any type of athletics.
  3. Lock up the 5th seed. Play the Texans if other seeds stay as is. Have an outside shot at the division and the higher seed that would accompany it.
  4. You know how many first rounders have been outplayed by Brady, Cousins, Wilson, etc? Where you are drafted (or not) doesn’t mean anything.
  5. One stat matters. Just win baby. If he leads a game winning drive I don’t care if those are his only passing yards all game.
  6. If Gore hit the hole instead of bouncing it outside it would have gone better too. He doesn’t have anything close to the speed required to bounce outside.
  7. Absolutely counter intuitive. Makes your player so scared of a mistake that he won’t risk taking one.
  8. Take the risk. Conservative coaching doesn’t reign supreme in today’s NFL. It’s a hinderance.
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