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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. Even prior to this game, I believe Duke in 2 games had more production than McKenzie, Foster and Roberts combined. He always should have been active. Just doesn’t make sense.
  2. That catch is awfully similar to the catch John Brown couldn’t make against the Ravens a few weeks ago.
  3. I can’t wait until the Patriots play a real team again. Their run game just needs to be shut down and they are finished. All of Brady’s passes travel 5 yards now.
  4. This is actually a super interesting point. It sounds like something Bellichick would think up.
  5. Can we just let the offensive line do nothing and Barkley take a knee every play?
  6. But you can bench the line when you dressed NINE offensive linemen. This was completely preventable. First game back from injury, offensive starter. Shouldn’t have been playing into the second half.
  7. Losing all our defensive depth in this game. Better than losing the starters I suppose but still sucks.
  8. Love posts anointing a college football player. Has everyone forgotten that projecting an NFL QB is akin to throwing darts at a wall? Bust potential with absolutely every single one.
  9. If Andre Roberts doesn’t go do fans finally get to see The Duke in action again ?
  10. “Let me crawl 4 feet and dive into the back of the guys legs” such an idiot. Joke of a league when fans can find things like these yet the league can’t, or won’t do anything about it.
  11. Hopefully they activate the Duke for one game. I’m sure the fans would love it and it will allow them to further limit Brown and Beasley.
  12. is that new “hot” defensive sack celebration wiping snot? Or is it something I’m missing? I have seen a lot of defensive players do it after a sack and I just don’t get it.
  13. Roethlisberger looked like even if he wanted to play again, he will have to drop about 30 pounds. Sure, it’s possible. But you would think if his intention was to play again he wouldn’t have put himself in that position in the first place.
  14. Eh, those are played by guys who likely won’t be in any NFL roster. At least this game is guys who are on NFL rosters.
  15. Colinsworth is completely unwatchable when KC or New England are on Sunday night football. He just slobbers over their #### all night.
  16. The cream is rising to the top. Duck was UDFA for a reason.
  17. Red zone for me. Pretty lackluster slate of 1PM games today that’s for sure.
  18. It was absolutely deliberate. This is an NFL clock operator. High school clock operators do make that error, but they are often volunteers. This man gets paid very well to watch the game and operate the clock. That’s a mistake that absolutely no one operating a clock while watching the game should make. Absolutely zero chance that running it there and subsequently running it after a Bills timeout were simply “mistakes”.
  19. He did make a tackle today on special teams. At least that is something. Agreed on the find another receiver. It clearly isn’t Duke, the coaches aren’t giving him another shot for one reason or another. Have to go into the draft to find a legit receiver. Need a guy who can body out a corner, make a contested catch, make a jump ball catch.
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