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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. It was the BS catch all “Gave himself up”. Absolutely the incorrect call. The head official is the one in the white hat, and he was the one who refused to take the flip from the Houston returner and then ruled it a TD. It was a bad call to overturn that TD.
  2. I don’t get it. They leave him inactive. Finally activate him and use him on the majority of snaps ?
  3. I also think they would put out equipment for all 53, since inactive do not have to be announced until 3 PM today?
  4. Never understood why the league allows a brace at all. Anything further than a buttery soft brace should not be allowed. The stretchy, fabric knee braces that some people use, perfectly fine. Reinforced plastic brace, absolutely not. This isn’t the bionic league.
  5. Let’s not forget the way he screwed the Colts too. Definitely says something of his personality.
  6. Goodbye Lee Smith. Roll with Kroft and Knox who at least have a tiny inkling of offense in their games.
  7. Do they release the playoff schedule tonight or do we have to wait until tomorrow morning?
  8. Came here to post this exact same thing. I didn’t even know who the backup was in Houston until they mentioned it. And AJ McCarron leads the Texans to a 7-0 lead
  9. Duke in place of Foster 100%. Inexcusable not to do it. Duke played against NFL talent today and produced with Matt Barkley at QB. Give him a chance with Allen to produce as he has in the past. Even below average production would be an improvement over Foster’s zero production.
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