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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. New management ran it into the ground. I’m convinced they bought it just to squeeze a few years of admission out of it and then sell the rides and land. Sad to see it go. Darien lake isn’t really great for younger kids. Expensive, farther drive for us north of the city, few kids orientated rides, and crowded.
  2. Except he doesn’t have a choice. As someone said, the money is of little consequence here. Especially with the offer being 30M, which sometime will easily beat. Kraft could offer 50M and Brady could still leave. I think the general consensus is if Brady actually leaves it is his ego wanting to prove he can win without Bill and end “Patriot Way”. No one is thinking it’s likely, but if that is actually true Kraft has absolutely zero say and no amount of money will alter that.
  3. If you didn’t like the whole premise of the thread couldn’t you have, you know, not participated in it? Just a thought.
  4. I’m pretty much in the camp where I hope pro days and combine doesn’t move ones stock TOO much. The only way I like to see a pro day or combine move someone’s stock is if both are abysmal. The. I want that guy pushed down the board slightly. I am of the school that believes the most important evaluation tool is game tape, and it’s not even close.
  5. Why do they even bother having this embarrassment of a game? They should probably just add a flag football tournament as an extra day to the skills competition. The offensive lines don’t block, defensive lines don’t rush and tackling is just wrapping up. How do the officials even know when to blow a play dead? ?? we literally posted this at the same time
  6. To be fair, did anyone predict the QB’s directly for 2018? And before the rumors of Kingsbury/Keim loving Murray started no one truly believed they would move on from Rosen after one season. Their first born and sell their soul
  7. “Life Hack”. No *****, everything is not a life hack. Because you figured out that putting your pants on both legs at a time saves .1 second on average, it isn’t a life hack. Putting a sandwich in a Tupperware container instead of a ziploc bag is not a life hack. Absolutely everything these days is a “life hack”. Completely overused word.
  8. If anyone watches celebrity big brother, they know to stay far far away from Lolo Jones. She was bat sh*t crazy. Absolutely would be a stage 5 clinger.
  9. Is Tom Brady of two years ago being resurrected in this free agency? Because at this point he’s no better than Tannehill. 16 games this season Brady has 4000 yards, 24TD + 8 INTS. 10 games and Tannehill has 2700 yards, 22 TDS and 6 INTS.
  10. That WR core next year with the addition of Allison ?. No thank you. Need that difference maker. Allison is not it
  11. Good. Should be able to get a decent one in the 20’s then.
  12. Did not?! Show some respect to the inaugural member of the 30/30 club
  13. Where are they pork barreling the money into instead? Your argument works great in a philosophical world, not the one we live in. Have you ever read a piece of legislation and seen the ridiculous funding held within? Oftentimes completely unrelated to a bill in order to get it to pass. I agree with your spineless politician view, but playing ball with the NFL is far from the main reason. I have no problem with tax dollars being spent on stadiums. That is, until politicians can be trusted to handle money reasonably and not waste it endlessly. My point is, currently, the money is just being burnt anyways, it doesn’t matter what they burn it on.
  14. But you have to put yourself in the NFL’s shoes. From their point of view, why? Sure some people might watch it. It will still be a battle to become profitable. The NFL is insanely profitable, why spend money trying to eek out a tiny fraction increase. In addition to that, they have all the minor league development they need in the NCAA. And the NCAA doesn’t require oversight or launching a league from scratch on the part of the NFL. Absolutely. McMahon cashed out a lot of WWE stock to make this happen. There is no chance he pulls the plug without a full season.
  15. For less work. Seems like a win win. He would have to work one day a week, and it is always Monday. I feel Tessitore would be a good match with Romo. I’ve never minded him all that much.
  16. Not sure if serious? If serious, you probably don’t know football very well. Or haven’t watched many primetime games?
  17. I see it going a season. McMahon has enough money and enough pride to give it a huge effort this time around. No chance it folds mid season like the AAF. I don’t see it making it more than a season. The only people these leagues appeal to are the absolute die hard football fans like myself. I’ll watch anything football on at all. Most people aren’t like that. Most people will watch one college or nfl team and that’s it. This is why these leagues have no viability. There simply isn’t money in pandering to such a tiny subset of the population. The only exception to this would be if pandering to that subset could bring untold riches. Like if this subset were to offer to pay $200 each per game to watch the XFL. That is not the case.
  18. I really hope he goes. It’s such a rarity to get Romo on CBS anyways. When other games are on I really don’t care as much about the announcer. Prime time, I want the best announcer. Currently, that is Tony Romo. It would drastically improve Monday Night Football.
  19. If your going to pay Shaq you can probably throw some extra money and get a better edge in FA
  20. Hottest team in football right now and everyone knows it. They are beating at the right time. Houston and KC are likely both quite worried about facing the Titans after what they have done to New England and Baltimore.
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