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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. No slight to you personally, but, luckily for us no one can predict QBs. Not the least of which are the scouts for the Dolphins. I’m not worried. Herbert and Tua have the same bust factor as any other first round QB. Tua isn’t some Andrew Luck QB prospect. The bust factor is always high.
  2. He’s certainly been a bit disappointment. Really everyone the 49ers have given a big contract to are a disappointment.
  3. But shouldn’t that be taken in account when changing the points allowed for a safety? Not only do you need to make a tackle for a loss play, you have to first pin the opponent that deep to begin with. So you would have to take both probabilities and combine them. It isn’t simply the percentage of safeties that result when inside the 1. It would also need to take into account the probability of pinning your opponent inside the 3 so you actually have a legitimate chance at the safety play. It’s definitely a combined probability.
  4. so.... why wouldn’t they just take the 4th? Instead of downgrading their 1st to a 2nd. I assume they would rather have a 1st and a 4th instead of having a 2nd for the same cost (giving up Ford).
  5. The whole premise of Madden leaking a player signing seems pretty far fetched. It is more likely one of the developers was a titans fan and put him on his team since he was the best remaining free agent.
  6. I’ll make you a screen name/avatar bet if you’d like? I will bet that nothing goes wrong when the Patriots are picking.
  7. It takes two to tango. Thankfully not every GM is a pure idiot like Bill O’Brien. The only thing I’d value the Pats have are draft picks. Even those are limited. No cap room and an aging, uninspiring roster. Even if they dangled Gilmore, that’s a CB on a big contract. Hardly the centerpiece for a QB. I think their biggest splash possibility is cutting a bunch of people and signing Cam Newton. But that’s further thinning an already unimpressive roster.
  8. Trump deserves to be a one term president. But my goodness the DNC really couldn’t give us anyone better than Joe Biden ?‍♂️. I would have preferred ANY democratic nominee over Biden. Hell, bring Hillary out of retirement and it would have been better.
  9. This is a good example of consider your source. You cited two very liberal sources. And their sources are “two people close”. That isn’t very reliable. A couple of things that immediately refute that “news”. First, Trump loves to hear himself talk. He will never, ever skip airtime. Second, he knows he is behind Biden in the polls. Third, he can see that Biden cannot really handle himself under pressure. Two examples off the top of my head is when he was confronted by the factory worker regarding the 2nd amendment. In that he threatens to slap the guy, calls it an AR-14, and makes a few other mental lapses. Second example would be when his teleprompter went off during his recent speech from his house. He was clearly shaken and did not know anything about a subject he had reportedly spent weeks researching and gathering facts on. Add that together and there is absolutely zero chance Trump doesn’t get on the debate stage against Biden. I would bet every dollar I have that Trump debates Biden.
  10. Love the quote by Cousins. I honestly don’t think they would care as much as fans seem to think they would. These guys play 8 home and 8 away games. It would be great for the away team. Wouldn’t even need silent snap counts.
  11. It’s always telling when you get traded (potentially) from two teams in two years.
  12. If the NFL decides to have a season, this shouldn’t be much of an issue. They are very likely to be playing with no fans. Therefore, a team doesn’t really have a home field advantage. The games could be played anywhere. If, for example, Florida’s governor allows NFL games but New York’s doesn’t. You can have Miami and Jacksonville play all 16 of their games at home. You could also utilize the NFL stadiums in whatever state allows it. Even if it means playing on Saturday and then again on Monday in the same stadium with different teams. It shouldn’t pose too much of a logistical challenge if the NFL decides to have a season.
  13. If I’m not mistaken it’s already written into law that insurance companies have to cover the cost of the tests.
  14. The timeline for tests becoming readily available increases daily. By September tests, including antibody tests, will be abundant. If not then I absolutely agree with you, the NFL wouldn’t be able to do it.
  15. But your assuming a vaccine actually happens and is successful. Rather imminently. I believe that’s a pretty rash decision. Life is not going to be on pause until a vaccine comes out. It just isn’t going to happen. Maybe if this thing had an indiscriminate death rate. Maybe if the death rate was higher. When the survivability rate is so high for those under 50 and without pre-existing conditions it just isn’t going to happen. I can’t see unprecedented stay at home orders lasting very much longer. They certainly won’t be tolerated if there is a failed vaccine. This is going to become an acceptable risk and an after thought far sooner than people realize. I cannot wait to find out the true number of Covid infections. I think a lot of people are going to be shocked by just how many people have had this. It will also completely murder (pun intended) the mortality rate of Covid and make it far harder for people to justify stay at home orders any longer.
  16. Yes, it absolutely is easier to control 300 people than 70,000. They don’t have to follow any rules if they don’t want to, that is their right. They can run around town every night of the week. The only time they will be isolated is the day before game day after they get their rapid test. They aren’t living in isolation for the entire season.
  17. If this country isn’t moving again by summer they will need to make damn sure there are a lot of trained therapists and psychologists to treat all the depression and insanity that will develop.
  18. Well, it’s a hell of a lot easier to control 300 employees who want to make money than it is to control 70,000 random members of the public. I really don’t think it would be very difficult to have a season at all, providing there is a reliable, rapid test available. You treat both teams like they are playing an away game. Everyone of the home team gets rapidly tested before entering the hotel the night before. Everyone of the away team gets rapidly tested before getting on the plane. Anyone who tests positive stays home and self quarantines and monitors for symptoms.
  19. Contrary to what people are saying so far, I think December is a plausible time frame. I was also terribly sick around that same time in December. Then my wife was. Then my kid was. With the high Asian population of UB and Canada I think it’s plausible Buffalo had a bit of an outbreak in December. China had cases as early as November 19th that they tried to hide.
  20. At this point I’m not sure there’s going to be a season anyways. Certainly not on time.
  21. It could most certainly happen. You never know. Greedy Williams fell to pick 46 after widely being considered a top 20 lock.
  22. This exact thing happened to me in December. First of all, I rarely ever get sick. I maybe miss one day a year. I never miss more than one day. The sickness in late December knocked me right on my ass. Missed a week of work. Had it for around 7 days including the weekend. Fatigue, chills, fever, and a cough that sounded like bronchitis. Went to urgent care. They tested for strep, it was negative. They didn’t test for the flu but that was my diagnosis. I guess I’ll find out for sure once they can run the antibody test.
  23. I can’t really find the words to describe that game other than “it stings”. It was one of those games where everything had to go wrong to lose it, and everything went wrong. Poor officiating and poor play in the late 3rd quarter and 4th quarter. If the Bills continue to play well or the officials officiate then this is a Bills W.
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