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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. At least it’s about as close as it could be. Other than being in Buffalo of course. Which brings me to my next point, of Cleveland gets a draft I would have to think it’s at least possible in Buffalo.
  2. If asymptomatic can create long term effects that’s a bit scary. But I suppose no one will really know because it hasn’t been around long enough to have those long term effects.
  3. I long for the days of Bills talk again good sir. I’m just not as worried as most I suppose. I’m going to sound like Hap here, but do you have the source of those side effects. I’ll admit I didn’t search too hard. But I only saw possible long term side effects of cases that were put on a vent.
  4. I do have a serious question for you though. Since you seem well informed of the subject at hand. There is something that I can’t piece together. The USS Roosevelt. 5,000 or so sailors on board with absolutely no chance of social distancing. Your eating with hundreds, passing hundreds daily, sleeping with hundreds, showering. You get the picture. How did they only have 800 confirmed cases, for a 16% infection rate. I haven’t been able to make heads or tails of that. Annnddd so you see it’s not made up https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/3018331001
  5. I have no source. I am a not a rocket scientist, but I did stay at a holiday inn express last night.
  6. At risk people are more prevalent. Because we are a country of obesity and the pre-existing conditions that’s go along with it. We are a nation that eats fats and doesn’t exercise. We also have a third rate healthcare system with first rate funding. You want to see a problem completely of its own doing? Welcome to reality. I have no source and live by the “half of all statistics are made up” mantra. I just usually happen to fall into that half.
  7. The at risk population is more than welcome to continue to lock down. I’ll make sure not to visit any of them while I might be a carrier. And I have no source.
  8. The could maybe possibly is putting words in my mouth. It is very likely to exist in the spring-fall. Just can’t say with 100% certainty because nothing is ever certain. To your second point, I haven’t cared all along. Other than the imposing restrictions that the government is putting in place. I have the upmost faith in my body to fight off a virus with a true mortality rate far lower than that reported. Once antibody tests are available to every American you will likely see 36-72 million infected. Do the math on that with 50,000 deaths and you see the true mortality rate. Disclaimer: The facts presented in this post are not backed up by anything and are a figment if what I believe may someday come true. Yeah... I have no source
  9. Can you elaborate a little bit? If you are speaking in regards to Covid I think that possibility is absolutely zero. You likely get a vaccine next year. At that point no one cares about this anymore. Say the vaccine fails, antibody tests have already revealed 15-20% of the population is likely infected. That makes your death rate .00005. So once that first vaccine fails, again, no one really cares anymore. In relative life terms, this won’t last very long. It just seems that way while living through it.
  10. It could just be that Brady is an awkward guy. Which, from everything I’ve seen, is completely possible.
  11. The simple answer to this is “not yet”. The guy is 36, not everyone can be Brady and play at a high level until they are 42. Father Time is not on Rodgers side. How soon people forget that it actually used to be a thing to draft a QB and let him sit and learn as a rookie. Love will be put in every situation to succeed. You aren’t precluded from preparing for the future just because you have an aging QB and don’t want to hurt his feelings.
  12. I feel the worst case scenario we are looking at is a season delay. Depends on when training camps and preseason can kick off. I believe there is absolutely no way we see a season with fans in the stands though. While not easy, it’s easier to control the couple hundred players, coaches, trainers, and broadcast team members than it is to control fans. There’s also always the option of the NFL playing in neutral sites. Without fans it doesn’t matter where they play, so if a state doesn’t want to allow the NFL to play there that’s ok. I’m sure Texas would allow the entire season to be played in their two stadiums if it came to that. Also of note, the Alamodome in downtown San Antonio could be used as a third site. It has all the logistics in place.
  13. That’s why I only mentioned RB’s being drafted as high as Spiller as being pretty much done. I only mentioned drafting a CB high as being a hallmark of a losing franchise.
  14. Spiller ?‍♂️ I suppose it was a different time of football, but I’m sure glad no one is dumb enough to pick a RB that high anymore. Unless it’s a true generational talent. The Bills used to love doing two hallmarks of losing franchises, drafting cornerbacks and running backs high.
  15. I’ll go to my grave saying this. But it is beyond idiotic that the NFL even has comp picks. There are no “small market” NFL teams to protect. Every NFL team has the ability to spend to the cap. Why would you reward them for choosing not to re-sign their own? It’s always a choice. It’s such an extreme case where money doesn’t talk in the NFL, where money doesn’t reign supreme. So in 99% of cases, the team chooses not to re-sign the player. Why should they be rewarded for making that choice. If the NFL insists on comp picks the absolute highest they should award is a 5th rounder. 5-7 rounds are insignificant enough where it’s ok.
  16. Looks like 2014 deaths under the age of 54 for the entirety of the outbreak. By contrast, in that same time period the flu killed 925 in that age group. If you take it further and lower the age group to under 34 you actually have more flu deaths than Covid deaths. Under the age of 34 we have 219 Covid deaths vs 242 flu deaths. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/index.htm
  17. The fact that hospitalizations for non Covid have practically disappeared shows us how rampant the abuse of the medical system is in this country. When people can choose to wait instead of visit the emergency room it is probably what they should have been doing in the first place. Either that or not use the ER as their primary doctor.
  18. South Korea has the most to lose from a Kim Jung Un death. They could see a deluge of refugees flood across the border. It makes sense for them to adamantly deny that anything has happened to Kim Jong Un. The entire peninsula has a chance to fall into chaos upon his death, if a similar leader doesn’t immediately step up. They are likely just trying to quell any fear while they gather and assess the facts of the situation.
  19. If you like Hill, which it sounds like you do, I don’t think you ever want to see him play QB full time. He would be far less effective than he is currently as a nomad.
  20. The Patriots could have nearly anyone at QB and I wouldn’t put them top 5. A beat up Cam Newton doesn’t do it for me. The Patriots are going to be bad this year, best coach ever be dammed.
  21. When the Saints play on the national stage it’s almost unwatchable. The Sunday night football crew fawns over Hill every time he is out there. Also, why hasn’t a coach figured out to blitz whenever he is at QB? He runs 99% of the time he is in at QB. The other 1% of the time I’ll take my chances that he can’t make a perfect throw under heavy pressure against cover zero.
  22. I feel thats a decent amount of coin for a guy with a combined 380 yards last season. He did have 6 receiving TDS but it came on just 230 yards receiving and 19 receptions. That doesn’t seem sustainable. edit: I was today years old when I found out Hill is 29 years old. I thought he was far younger.
  23. I hope Gilliam beats out DiMarco. Plays TE/FB/ST. Always good to have positional flexibility and get younger at the position.
  24. I would guess that one is a big no. Of course every report is unconfirmed at this point. But from what I’ve read he was not used to working in obese patients, since North Korea has absolutely none.
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