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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. Should be safe unless Vontaze Burfict is able to re-enter the league ?
  2. Isn’t there about a 100% chance this fool gets suspended as soon as he signs? He’s had multiple legal issues including pleading guilty recently.
  3. ? aren’t they pretty much fresh out of cap space? Is AJ playing for free?
  4. How funny is it that I actually had to research if this was a legit photo. Because Cam would really wear something like that.
  5. ?? don’t judge my overly tired posting. Sometimes I zombie surf on my phone and what better place to come than here.
  6. There isn’t much more of a contrast we can get in post game interviews. Cam and then Bill ?
  7. It definitely is on the part of Cam. No one else was coming calling. Also, on the part of the Pats, I love it. That team is suddenly off the Stidham jockstrap. I guess he isn’t the second coming after all. 0-8 in his last 8 starts. Multiple injuries, I’m not worried about Cam Newton at all. Some people would be worried about Nathan Peterman if he signed with New England.
  8. In today’s NFL, with the depravity of good QB’s, especially young. If he were to be back in the draft I would think 3-7 range would be about right. To trade him I would need the first overall pick in a good QB draft so I could have my pick of the litter at replacing him.
  9. From what I have read, it seems the vast majority of times when someone is re-infected it is with their own dormant virus after they have beaten the infection the first time. A very mysterious virus indeed. These weird little quirks about this virus is what gives me pause when thinking about a vaccine. I don’t have complete faith we will see an effective one, but I’ve been wrong before (a lot of times).
  10. It’s all the same. Generally, if John Q Public has the information, it isn’t likely to move the market very much as it will already be priced in.
  11. This seems like it could be a rare good use for a toll plaza? Which NYS just happens to have an abundance of. Shut off EZ pass except for residents with NY registered addresses. Make everyone else provide information on where they are quarantining for random checks.
  12. Never thought I’d say this, but being in New York may actually work in the Bills favor here. By September COVID should be A small blip on New York’s radar. Barring any cases coming in from other states and being uncontrolled outbreaks. Real question, will the Jets and Giants have to abide by New Jersey’s attendance capacity limits? I would assume so.
  13. I think of all sports, it would be the most difficult to implement this plan in football. You have a roster of 50+, a practice squad, a coach for every position, assistant coaches at every position, twenty people on the cameras, sound men, photographers, color commentaries, statisticians, etc, etc. I really can’t even fathom how many people each game would need. Probably around 500? There isn’t a bubble big enough for 32 NFL teams to remain in. This too, if the NFL tried to put in any penalties with teeth the NFLPA would never approve it.
  14. The problem is, you can’t say that for sure. I know you can’t say that for sure because every researcher doesn’t even know. They simply do not know why some people have a big reaction and others don’t. And they don’t know how to prevent it. Basically, at this point it’s up to your body to determine how it reacts to COVID. Some people have a mild reaction and some have a reaction requiring hospitalization. Health and age are factors for sure, but young and healthy people can also get severe cases. It’s a lot more rare than the elderly, but it happens. So what happens when one NFL player gets a severe case, gets put on a ventilator, and dies? Is that a chance worth taking? These guys travel too much and there are too many local and out of state people that travel between broadcasters, crew, officials, players. It might just be too much to control.
  15. If there is no NFL season, what does that do for High School Football? It actually seems more likely that NY can have high school sports than pro sports this year. New York’s cases remain in check and on the decline. Phase 4 is approaching and should well be here before a lot of high schools would even start practicing. I imagine there would be a bit of an uptick in media coverage and local interest if it is the only football around in the fall. Is that really even a season worth playing though? So we want to see Josh Allen get pummeled because 4/5 of his starting line were UDFA signed that week?
  16. From what I have seen researchers don’t even know what causes a good outcome vs a bad outcome yet. Your odds are significantly better if you are younger and without a pre-existing condition. But there is always the chance something in your body reacts the complete wrong way with the virus and you get a bad case. Problem is, no one knows until it actually happens. They aren’t able to tell people “you’ll get a bad case of COVID if you get it”. Wouldn’t that be nice if they could figure that out.
  17. Maybe if, in our sweetest voice, we tell their lungs everything will be ok, they won’t be scared anymore?
  18. My exact thoughts on Cuomo. Never voted for him, despise most of his politics, thinks he only cares about the city. Even with all my previous hatred for the man, I always try to have an open mind. He has won me over during the past few months. Likely enough to have my vote in the next election. For my money, New York is the current beacon of light out of all the states. When it comes to Covid, I don’t see many states that are decently populated and are in a better position than NY. That’s not just blind luck. If we lived in Florida or Texas right now we might be staring at a mountain of new cases the likes of which NY hasn’t seen since the beginning.
  19. I don’t know if you are seeing the rest of the country continue to fall apart, but I would argue Cuomo showed he absolutely knew how to handle this thing. Cuomo made unpopular choices in regards to COVID right from the beginning. The pain in the early stages are now proving to be worth it. New York has been on the steady decline and is slowly re-opening everything. Compare that to Florida, Texas, and Arizona who are all at risk of another shut down due to huge spikes in cases. Unless you think it is all just luck that New York was able to come out of COVID? If nothing was done those super high cases we were witnessing in the beginning would have continued to snowball out of control.
  20. It is way, way too early to determine immunity. That study you cited only had 37 participants and it was out of China. Don’t trust anything out of China. These are the guys who knew about the virus since September, possibly earlier, and tried to hide it for months. I also wouldn’t trust a study of 37 people when there have been millions of coronavirus cases. Other similar viruses such as SARS and MERS have 1-3 years of immunity. There’s no reason to think COVID is going to be the virus that breaks the rules of previous viruses. In addition, the study itself states the people who lose the antibodies that quickly are asymptomatic people. Symptomatic cases carry immunity longer, but the study conveniently leaves out their exact time frame. However, if you truly believe that study and immunity is only 2-3 months, then what do you think that means for a vaccine? It would mean the possibility of an effective one are near zero. No one is going to be going to their doctor every 2 months for a Covid booster. It’s possible. First confirmed case in China was in middle of November, but speculation is around September was their first unconfirmed cases. They will never confirm that of course. Their official government records show November. I had the same thing in December but I chalked it up to just a bad flu season. Also, if you are in the Buffalo area; we have a pretty big Asian population. Between Canadian shoppers and tourists and UB’s Asian population it’s possible we were one of the first areas to have it.
  21. I was also thinking this when I heard Norman’s comments. Not only is it the right thing to do, it would help the city grow culturally and economically.
  22. Well, if Jon Gruden loves him thats enough for me. Gruden only loves 99% of the QB’s to enter the league in the past ten years.
  23. Love The Athletic. Great that they took value and original draft capital into consideration. Instead of ranking the Bills as a loser because they had no first round pick they took the capital values into consideration. There’s a reason they actually are worth the subscription fee. They have well thought out articles that are actually worth reading.
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