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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. This is a good point that I forgot to mention about a contingent offer. If that’s your plan, just don’t. No one is taking contingent offers in this market, there is no reason when at least a handful of offers are going to have no contingency.
  2. But remember, he’s been “playing point guard for the United States” according to A-Rod.
  3. No, unless your current house is relatively cheap and you are looking to significantly increase in price. I am unfamiliar with your exact area. However, in WNY the lower end of the market has increased in price much more than the upper end of the market. The only way I would do it is if you purchased your house for around 100-150 and your next home is around 500. In that scenario you are selling at a profit and not paying an inflated amount for your next home. Otherwise, just keep it. If you are sticking around the same price range there is no point. You would just be selling and hoping the market goes down or selling and then buying at an inflated price.
  4. This is why when I first saw John Lewis had passed my first thought was “isn’t he already dead” Thank you for posting this, I thought I was crazy.
  5. I have been adamantly in the “let’s wait and see” crowd. I’ve been optimistic for a season. But I agree with you. It’s getting close to crunch time and cases are just increasing outside of a handful of states. I’m turning from optimistic for a season to a bit more pessimistic.
  6. I tried reading the Washington post story, but it was behind a paywall. Instant close of the webpage for me whenever I see that.
  7. I’ve always wondered, do teams actually get a decent return on investment for this? Has there ever been anyone watching the Bills play and suddenly going “ you know what, I need a New Era hat”. Especially considering the stadium name is pretty rarely mentioned on air?
  8. Anybody else come here to see what “bugs” signifies in relation to the NFL?
  9. @Hapless Bills Fan, do you have any insight on what this means for a vaccine? Are makers able to somehow get around rapidly deteriorating antibodies?
  10. Nostradamus, please share more of your predictions. The world must know.
  11. It would definitely be interesting to have spring college football. Can’t say I would mind it if the NFL can get off the ground on time. In fact, I’d probably prefer it. It may increase the ratings for both the NFL and college.
  12. I’m never a fan of giving up a premium asset for the privilege of overpaying a player. That recipe rarely works out.
  13. Reminds me of the book “football for a buck” on the USFL. Highly recommended , fascinating read. I am convinced Trump is the reason the USFL failed.
  14. I’m not a baseball fan, in fact I don’t think I could name one modern day player. But I didn’t think there was a salary cap? Couldn’t the Mets have afforded those players regardless? Considering the owners were just shoving the money to Bernie Madoff anyways?
  15. So, he’s so unimportant they couldn’t even spell his name right?
  16. You are not wrong, but you also answered the question yourself. They have the luxury of getting paid millions to play a game, so if they decide they can sit at home and not play said game, that’s on them and the union. It’s the same as a fast food place, they have the option not to do it, they just likely don’t have the money saved to do so. Just because one group has to risk everything doesn’t mean everyone has to risk everything. If I had millions of dollars I’m not sure I’d be hoping to have a season. One more year of wear and tear on my body and possibly some additional risks. As a fan I’m absolutely hoping enough of them don’t want to forego millions in salary this year. I think the bigger push will be from the owners. They have a huge money making opportunity. Everyone is super hungry for the escape of football with everything that’s going on. I think a lot of people have given up with this virus. That’s why we are seeing the massive spikes down south. I also don’t know the likelihood of a vaccine even working. But we can cross that bridge when it comes. Until then we can limp to the end of the year with a light at the end of the tunnel being about 100 million doses of the vaccine.
  17. I never even eat the crust, so it doesn’t matter much to me. I just found out today, through this poll, that I’m in the extreme minority. Has to be cheese stuffed crust for me to eat it. Sidebar, does anyone know if any local pizzerias do a stuffed crust? Just Pizza used to, but they stopped years ago.
  18. Another angle to this is, how bad will the officiating be? How often do we complain about the officiating? And that is when the officials have an entire training camp and preseason to get back to speed. How bad are the calls going to be with absolutely no practice. If they move it to the spring I would expect the season to just be cancelled. From what I’ve seen we are looking at a vaccine by the end of this year, optimistically. Even then, it still needs to be mass produced. I doubt it can be mass produced on a scale that large before winter of 2021.
  19. The pro bowl. It’s actually painful to watch that. Absolutely no point, no competition, just no reason to hold it at all. Does it actually get viewership? I guess it must or the NFL would probably do away with it.
  20. It’s pretty great that every thread these days turns into a coronavirus pissing match between ultimate freedom vs freedom restrictions. A nice microcosm of the US population.
  21. I cannot for the life of me figure out how the Mets ever thought it would be better to defer compensation at 8% interest rather than just pay the money. 5.9 million turned into, 27 million? Even if they were certain Madoff could continue to return 10%, you are taking a huge downside risk for just a 2% upside.
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